*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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Maybe OcUK should pledge a bit too to get their name on a planet, system, etc. Cheap targetted advertising?

Maybe if they throw in a bit extra they can talk Braben into making sure it's an industrial world which supplies the local area with computer components. :p
Never got FFE working use to bomb out on me all the time... good old days of Frontier, nothing could touch the clipper :)


The Panther Clipper was great. If I was being attacked by smaller ships I just used to target them on the auto pilot and slam into them. Hardly any damage done to myself :)
Doesn't look like we'll get the same rush as yesterday, should still scrape the £1.5m target though.
They need to add another couple of stretch goals. It'll likely hit the £1.5m mark at the current rate, but there's no real incentive for current pledgers to invest any more. If they dangle a good enough carrot (e.g. Linux support), they might be able to squeeze out another £100k.

But perhaps FD are happy with the £1.5m -- after all, the more goals, the more pressure they'll be under to deliver!
It still wouldn't surprise me if they offer some sort of last minute additional 'incentive' with a final update later on today.... we shall see!
An update from David:

We have now passed the first stretch goal - we are now doing a Mac version in addition to the PC version, to be released three months after the PC version. As I write we stand at an incredible £1,443,634 and 24,303 backers. Paypal is at £25,000 so we have £42,000 to go for the ten extra ships.

Awesome new concept art released with the latest update showing a massive ring world like out of Halo.

The Design Discussion Forum (DDF)

Many people have asked (via Reddit and elsewhere) whether the design discussion forum will continue post-release.

The up to 160 people on the DDF together with people from Frontier will have near god-like powers post-release. They will have access to live stats for the galaxy on rates of piracy, locations for player death, trade activity and so-on. They will decide how the galaxy will evolve. They will decide when famine (or plague) might arrive in a particular system. If, for example piracy is unusually high for a sustained period in a particular system how should the galaxy respond? Should an adjacent system send warships? Should it decay into anarchy and any government collapse? When we create a new ship type or variant How should we introduce it? How do we close down a particular game exploit - or do we? As you can see, the decisions will not stop at release.
Oh boy, that DDF sounds interesting, pledge upgraded to £300 :eek: I must be mad, but I'm giddy with excitement which just doesn't become a 40yo man :p
I loved the original and even some of the buggier sequels so I have backed this pretty much since day one, but I do have some concerns with the overall approach they seem to be taking.

I got in early so was able to grab one of the £20 slots, and until recently you had to pledge £30 to get a digital copy of the game. Now £30 is a reasonable price for a new game, you would expect it to be a little cheaper possibly for kickstarter backers, but maybe in a years time the price of games will have gone up, who can say.

My real concern at the moment is that it looks like the overall plan is to charge quite a high price for the initial game and then continue charging for updates. In the FAQ on the main kictstarter page it states
“Some new features and content will be paid for, especially those that build significantly on the game. If you have pledged to £90 tier or higher then any expansions or updates are free.”

Now I think that has since changed so that if you pledge £80 or more you now get access to any expansions and updates for free.

Now you do not really gain much that actually costs Frontier Developments any money in the tiers between £30 and £80, so unless they are going to be releasing £50 worth of paid content it seems to be nothing more than a cash grab, and if they are planning to release £50 worth of paid content, that is just as bad.

Overall I am excited for the game, but very worried about how much money they are going to try and extort from players. If things like landing on planets and leaving your ship turn out to be paid updates, which I suspect they will, it is going to be rather annoying.
I'm not keen on being able to influence the design because you donated. It could end up wrecking the gameplay.
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