Pity there's not a stretch goal for planetary landing at launch. Would throw money at them
Yes but like David said in one of his Dev diarys, Its easy to do that now at this stage but the planet would be quite bland.
David wants to do this right, for example a planet similar to the earth that can house life, Well David wants you to be able to fly down onto that planet and the planet be full of detail, like people, wildlife, geographical richness.
This is the reason why he wants to release it at alater date, he wants to do it correctly and not rush it which i beleive is the best way forward.
When this game has most of its features it will wipe the floor with anything out-there regarding space sims, Even SC wont compete.
I also pledged £150 for SC but my heart is with Elite.
Best bit about the Panther Clipper... the landing struts
Dont forget the 4x20MW beam lasers and over 200tons of shields!
Still had over 350 tons of cargo space which coulda bought even more shields to be totally totally invincible!
Used to love my clipper, when attacked by pirates I just left the autopilot on and then jumped in the turrets and blasted away.
I didnt even do that, I had so many shields that i used to let the enemy ships just smash into me, My shields would go down from 100% to 97% then quickly recharge, I was invincible unless on the very very rare occassion that i came across a imperial courier with a 100mw beam laser on the front which killed me and my shields in around 5 seconds.
I only ever seen that happen though 2 times in about 700hrs of play.
Using the above technique made it easier to get to Elite Status, Just go to an anarchic system,forward time, get some enemies,forward time again and bang you got 4 kills, rinse and repeat.
I suppose i was griding mobs long before mmos were even an idea
Elite First Encounters(1995) ships in no particular order.
Asp Explorer
Cobra Mk1
Cobra MK3
Eagle Long Range fighter MK1
Eagle Long Range fighter MK2
Eagle Long Range fighter MK3
Hawk Airfighter
imperial Courier
Imperial Trader
imperial Explorer
Interplanetery Shuttle
Kestrel Fighter
Lanner 2
Moray Starboat
Osprey Attack Fighter
Panther Clipper
Puma Shuttle
Saker MK3
Spar Tiercel
Tiger Trader Transport
Viper Defence Craft
Viper Defence Craft 2
To those of you that never played Elite before, These were all the ships that you could fly in 1995.