*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Downloaded. Just waiting to get the opportunity actually give it a try later on today. Will be focusing on the engineers first, with a view that I'll probably get nice surprises as I discover the rest of the changes.
My damned connection is so slow, it'll be midnight before I can play it. :(

So I may as well see what Horizons as added. One big question is what do I do with the planetary landing stuff, what is there to do once you've got out and about in the SRV and how do I make money out of it?

I only really use planetary landings to gather stuff for upgrading with Engineers which not everyone is a fan of so I'll ramble on about my approach to the task. Inara.cz is a good site to familiarize yourself with what's available and what's needed, mind you they don't seem to have as good a description of where to look for the components as the pop-up on the Engineer UI in game iirc. I don't find Engineers as bad as I feared I would, though the tea fetch quest unlocking Broo Tarquin was cack (he needs 50 and you can only stock up to 10), not that it took that long, it was just very monotonous as I couldn't get anyone to be tea bitch outside the station which I believe would have allowed me to get it all at once. But as it's tea it can be forgiven.

Regarding the SRV, I needed Modified Embedded Firmware, MassiveD has a video on how to get the data, I didn't find medium sized bases (++) too time consuming, and you might want to poke around a large bases (+++), I couldn't even find all the bloody points so it was a waste of time in that regard, but was cool getting an up close look at the installation. Don't worry about the alarm with datapoints, it's just a reset protocol within which you need to scan all the datapoints, you can retry if it runs out before you get them all. Be careful on what you scan, you might need to hack security access on larger bases to get to new areas but some things, I think data cores will send the base ape **** if you access them.

I also use the SRV to harvest certain materials so say you were in Achenar and needed Arsenic, you could go to eddb and use Bodies - Search & Find for a nearby planet on which to go hunting for blastable rocks (outcrops, metallic meteorites etc). WaveScanner.net can help you to interpret the scanner. You can also use eddb to search for rings, as spamming level 1 mods, even ones you don't want, is a good way to rank up the first couple of levels with Engineers. If you weren't kitted out for mining you could put the parts you wanted into a station search and use the system from the bodies search as a reference as a place to get kitted out. You can also search for systems with certain states, as in the MassiveD vid on Chemical Manipulators you could look for anarchy systems that are at war (and possibly civil war) so that when killing the arms traders you don't have to worry about dealing with the authorities if your ship isn't up to much.

tl:dr, Engineer upgrading makes using the SRV more purposeful for me and certain sites make upgrading with Engineers more manageable.
Have avoided using the srv as it just doesn't appeal tbh and also haven't started on the eng upgrades. Do the eng materials force you to get them via srv or is there usually an alternative?
Have avoided using the srv as it just doesn't appeal tbh and also haven't started on the eng upgrades. Do the eng materials force you to get them via srv or is there usually an alternative?

As mentioned I think you can get most of the stuff through mission rewards, though I'm not sure of the best places to look, the type of system may have an impact on what your offered, but I'm not certain, though I think your overall rank does have some bearing. I'm afraid I've no idea what materials mining is limited to.

The SRV can be quite fun, I'm not sure if the drive assist mode has some traction control or not but if it does it's locked in with cruise control which is annoying as dick so I tend to turn it off. Also you get less wheel spin with lower power to engines but then you get less thruster time which is also an annoying, so I tend to keep power up in ENG unless I'm having a real brain fade, or just seem to be on a particularly slippery planet. Not sure if the are differing surface frictions but some gravity levels seem to be a pain in the ass. I have a T-Flight hotas and use the twist for steering which works well for me.

I read that FD didn't want to put in general storage but were looking to have you be able to store some of the ones needed for upgrade with engineers, this would be ideal as you could grab the items you wanted as and when you saw them then store them away without having to constantly deal with the "All that tasty cargo!" crap.
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Things like Arsenic, Yttrium, Mercury really need the SRV for picking them up and not seen the first two in missions or Mining in truth but that's not to say it isn't there, just I have never seen it that way.
I think I've seen Arsenic, but you usually only get one as opposed to the three you'd get when collecting a fragments. If you really don't want to use the SRV then I would say to look on Inara at what you might want to upgrade and then flick through the missions boards while you're at a given station, checking material rewards for rares to give yourself some time to pick up a few because I think it's implausible to rely on mission rewards to try and get them as and when you need them. Though I could be wrong.
Well damn... Missions still take ages to load and accept :(

I like the look of the passenger missions - I'll have to check them out soon...

But right now... I just don't have the patience to play Elite...

The game full on crashed the first time I tried to load up 2.2. Rebooted the game and found I had a message telling me I'm ranking up in the Federation and the message just says "{{Body, Congratulations ##commandername".

I feel like these sort of basic bugs should have been picked up long ago - It almost feels like I've bought into an Early Access game - Especially with how slow they are to deliver the updates. They're going to have to do something pretty amazing if they want me to splash some cash for the next season of updates. Right now it's disappointment, after disappointment.

Anybody else had to crank down a setting in the VR?

I had been running sampling at 1.5 with a default high setting on my 1070 since day dot.

Jumped in for a looksee tonight, met with a horrendous micro stutter on shaking my head left or right.

Dropped a setting, and while I couldn't notice any less detail, the stutter has nearly vanished.

Also I presume the mission pay outs, data/courier ect.. have been adjusted. they were showing 30/110k max, now they appear to be 20/30k?
I can live with a few bugs if they get patched soon enough, but I can't believe missions still take ages to load and accept, that is really annoying crap.
Anybody else had to crank down a setting in the VR?

Yep, have a 1080.
Settings are VR High and Supersampling set to 2.5.
Yesterday it was butter smooth.
Today, after the patch, it's unplayable. Don't think it is actually lag, it's like there are two images being rendered and one is a fraction of a second behind the other so you get flickering.

I suspect they have introduced a bug. Hopefully be fixed soon...

Edit: Dropping Supersampling down to 1 improves it a lot but text is now unreadable. Still got a bit of juddering when approaching a station.
Will be leaving it for now until it's fixed or someone magics up a work around.
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I'm getting consistent freezing followed by a CTD within 5 mins making 2.2 totally unplayable...Half the time I get error msg 'direct3d cannot lock a buffer.'
Not impressed with the update so far. I was running commodities from the missions board and all of a sudden all of the missions seem to be worth at least 10x less than before and not worth doing. Barely enough reward to cover the fuel.
Just been playing and they have cranked up the clarity a lot.:)

Everything seems pin sharp now, route plotter is a dam sight better and everything seems smoother, system map still takes an age mind you and I don't what it is with the orange eye brows on NPC avatars! :confused:

It must be a Jaques station thing. :p
Had a small issue with doing a sightseeing mission in my Beluga where I visited the sights, returned back to Founders World and couldn't complete the mission but then realised I didn't have any cargo space (4 micro coolers as a commodity reward). Thankfully I could then finish.

Loving what I have seen so far and enjoying the passenger missions. Something else for me to do now. A good day all in all and The Division update to 1.4 is decent as well.
Well damn... Missions still take ages to load and accept :(

That sucks, not sure what's going wrong for you but I just got to try it and acceptance has been pretty much instant for me.

Maybe they load up in the background while you're docked, I didn't shoot straight into taking one, was looking at some other stuff first.
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Right then 2.2

Nice idea, but the mission board loading timeout is still there and worse than ever.

This effectively stops me ranking up in the Empire totally. Tried for 15 minutes to load the mission board - FINALLY it load and I realised I had to sell some flipping commodoties to accept a mission.

Did that and then it took another 5 minutes to load the mission board again. ARRGGHHH

So tonight played for 1 hour. managed to pass and hand in 3 missions for a total 2% increase in my Count rank.

That combined with a dramatic decrease in data delivery missions at HIP 10716, SHU Babassi and Aditi makes it look like I might as well give up on ever making duke.

I'm royally frustrated by all of this. To be honest I would rather have 2.0 back. The missions worked and ranking was actually possible.

Any advice would be amazing.....
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