*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

tried aditi, didn't find it much good so back to fehu for donation then make the cash back from sothis I think.

even if it costs me 150 mil I can make that back in 5 hours of sothis runs. cant think of a quicker way atm.

currently at 13% baron.
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Is this right?

Signed up for the mining community goal and it's trying to send me 21k LY away :eek:

Searching for COLONIA on the Galaxy map yields no results :confused:


Finally got to Count-16% - just Earl and Marquis to go.....

Problem is I've spent about 50 million on donations so I'll need a couple of sothis runs in my Anaconda to build up my cutter fund again.
Couple of EDFX questions:

Do I have to run Elite via Steam to use EDFX ?
Does it work on the graphics shown on the rift ?

At the moment I run a stand alone copy.
Greetings Commanders,
We hope you’re geared up and ready for ship-launched fighters, the Beluga liner, VIPs, passengers, alien archaeology, volcanism, and much more, because The Guardians and Elite Dangerous 1.7 updates will be blasting out of the Frontier Developments’ fighter bay on Tuesday October 25.

Thanks guys.
Crikey, OK, best I put a good quality fuel scoop in and start travelling then :eek: :D

Its a mighty long journey... especially if you like exploring and scanning stuff :D

Took me a few weeks to get back and I think I was averaging about 1k LY an hour.

OK finally managed to get some Imperial ranking done - now up to Baron.

BUT all I am getting now is empty Empire missions - this is in HIP 10716 which is supposed to be full of of Boom Data missions. The game seems to want me to go back to Fehu and just do the donation missions :-/

Just got back to the bubble and ready to continue increasing my rank from Master. Went to HIP 10716 and found it the same as you but then I switched from Private Group to Open and Solo and managed to fill up with around 20 x courier missions :) so it hasn't been nerfed yet.....
It's been a very long time since I fired this up and spent some time with it. I'd been waiting on a Rift which I now have and goodness it's a great, if a little exhausting, experience.

It's defintiely given me a kick up the butt to finish my space seat. Current state of that is:

I've built all the pieces for the headrest already - just need to complete the back and make a base for it. I'll probably get the filling and painting done for what's been made so far and wait for the warm weather before cutting the remaining pieces. It will certainly be very usable like that.

I can see me spending quite a lot of time in there I think ...
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