*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

The grind for engineering is one of the main reasons I haven't flushed my current character down the toilet and started over, well that and the Guardian grind which was even worse, trying to see off skimmers with the pew pew on your SRV.

I may check back in once Horizons lands but after coming back from a long exploration voyage a few weeks ago, I'm pretty much burned out on ED.

Yeah thanks for this, but sadly tried this. WiFi / NIC have IPv6 disabled. Time and Zone are set to sync automatically. Confirmed language and date/time is set correctly. Rebooted everything etc. Only thing I've not tried is perhaps removing my AV and seeing if that is the cause. :(
Finally, after weeks of stalking webstores, I have an x52 Pro arriving on Tuesday to relieve my very well worn tflight x.

I also embarked on my first long range exploration journey ever, after 500+hrs of gameplay. Turns out that using the FSS and listening to radio sidewinder were what I was missing to make the journeys enjoyable. Currently about 18k ly from Sag A (eg 7k out from home), hopefully my enthusiasm doesn't wane before I get there. The journey home will likely be less fun, if I can resist hopping on a FC for the ride home.
Finally, after weeks of stalking webstores, I have an x52 Pro arriving on Tuesday to relieve my very well worn tflight x.

I also embarked on my first long range exploration journey ever, after 500+hrs of gameplay. Turns out that using the FSS and listening to radio sidewinder were what I was missing to make the journeys enjoyable. Currently about 18k ly from Sag A (eg 7k out from home), hopefully my enthusiasm doesn't wane before I get there. The journey home will likely be less fun, if I can resist hopping on a FC for the ride home.
I had started my journey away from the bubble (only 5k out though). Headed to Jellyfish nebula and docked at the asteroid station there. Was going to head to monkeyhead/crab or rosette nebula but lost motivation. Havent logged back in for a few days, having switched to watchdogs 2 instead for a change. Also managed to get to a blackhole (first one but not as glorious as I expected) on the way. Makes me wonder if I will ever make it to Sag A or Colonia (which were like 22k from my home system cubeo).
I had started my journey away from the bubble (only 5k out though). Headed to Jellyfish nebula and docked at the asteroid station there. Was going to head to monkeyhead/crab or rosette nebula but lost motivation. Havent logged back in for a few days, having switched to watchdogs 2 instead for a change. Also managed to get to a blackhole (first one but not as glorious as I expected) on the way. Makes me wonder if I will ever make it to Sag A or Colonia (which were like 22k from my home system cubeo).

I'm about 60 hops from home now, but what worked for me was getting into the exploration thing with the FSS. Any other time I've been too focused on the destination instead of the journey. This is the first time I wasn't.

Can I tell you that the pressure of losing all that data is crushing me already.
I'm about 60 hops from home now, but what worked for me was getting into the exploration thing with the FSS. Any other time I've been too focused on the destination instead of the journey. This is the first time I wasn't.

Can I tell you that the pressure of losing all that data is crushing me already.

Yeap I had the FSS and also doing detailed scans for high value planets in each system. Still wasnt interesting enough, guess I have reached the saturation point with this game now. Also landed on a few to scan biological sites etc which was the only interesting thing I probably did on the journey. One of the reasons I havent headed back is probably because the idea of that journey is putting me off.
Yeap I had the FSS and also doing detailed scans for high value planets in each system. Still wasnt interesting enough, guess I have reached the saturation point with this game now. Also landed on a few to scan biological sites etc which was the only interesting thing I probably did on the journey. One of the reasons I havent headed back is probably because the idea of that journey is putting me off.
Oh I am fully ready to be back in the bubble now. Have a blast on some CQC if you need to blow off some steam
Some new footage of the Odyssey update was released yesterday

Looks pretty cool. I'll definitely be jumping back into Elite once the Odyssey expansion releases.

I'm not sure whether there's a risk this new update could alienate some of the Elite playerbase as I suspect most of the Elite faithful are in it for the space flight and simulation aspect foremost rather than caring about first person combat.

Could draw a lot of new players into the game though so maybe that's the Frontier's hope. Nice to have a bit more variety in the game IMO and with any luck they'll also allow players to walk about inside the space stations.
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Alpha is the end of this month for 6 weeks apparently
Looking forwards to some leaks (assuming there's an NDA) to see what the gist is in terms of variety. I'm really looking forwards to Odyssey, but the footage they released really raised some concerns about the AI. Like, if they had dispensed with all the theatrical sneaking around, the NPCs didn't look like they would have spotted them. EG they could've just run up, cut the door panel (that was cool), killed the workers, and then fought their way out. I hope that being sneaky has better mechanics, basically. I'm kinda surprised they didn't highlight the ship to ground combat by having the pilot kill the goliath either, but fair to say you'll be able to do that.

Worst case scenario, all the stuff we have now gets prettier with the new planet tech. Best case, we have fun new things to do.
There is no NDA so expect lots of videos from the usual suspects . As for what there is, I thought it looked ok and I will have fun with it.
I am more dissapointed about what we won't get TBH..... ED is a game which back in the design stages promised so much.
Some classics Braben comments were "we are going to have landing on planets but will be a later expansion. We could do them now of all we wanted was a simple height map for planet terrain"

But that is what we get, no overhangs, no tunnels et
Ship's crew were planned to be awesome along with NPC wingmates and missions surrounding them with ability to train up but with their own character traits so some role play and management elements.

Instead ship's crew is scrapped completely, all ships are single.pilot with tacked on MP stuff.

Npcs can't even drive SRVs and won't in ED:O either. Much of the content such as base raids etc will be technically possible solo but will be very tough and very long and drawn out. They are balanced for multiplayer stuff. Why not have something like rainbow 6 or ghost recon with NPC squadmates OR humans?.

Gravity..... During the design phase there was.no magic gravity. It is why stations and parts of imperial ships spin. Mag boots were.to be a thing but this would affect how people moved about and if power was cut gravity would be lost (if in space). However all of that is gone and we have generic FPS .

I know this is a massive whine fest. It's not that I dislike the game, I don't but it is a long way from the game which FD persuaded me to pay many more times than the RRP to help make sure it got made.

PS Oh but the kicker... This "made from ground up for VR" is not going to have VR for huge parts of the game.... It's better than the original plan, they were going to drop VR completely which would have meant me uninstalling...... But despite what naysayers say everything in ED:O could work in VR along side players on flat screen. NMS does it really well. Obviously teleport would not be possible but a simple VR intense level like the system Oculus use would be fine.
Yes it would be more work but that should be what they committed to for a game heavily marketed as a VR game and sold on a VR only store. I dunno what will happen to Oculus store purchasers... Free.steam key maybe for horizons?
Again if HG a team of only a handful can get VR working (and pretty well too) in VR then a supposed AAA studio with over 100 people working on ED should have managed it
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BM> Can't say I disagree with anything that you're saying.
Odyssey doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. If I want a decent FPS, I'll go play Arma, Insurgency or Rising Storm Vietnam.
For that matter, why do they believe that they playerbase want to play an FPS?

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of wandering around, but it would be much better (IMO) if that was linked to other tasks, such as controlling part of the carriers, using sub-systems in a spacecraft, building bases, setting up mining locations or exploration.

Just another nail in the coffin.
It is a very very strange design decision I will give it a go but if anything we have learned from the ED Dev team they have no idea how to make anything fun or enjoyable without uproar from the playerbase.

Thargoids ( I have still not found one or even bothered with it due to having grind specific weapons/defence to be effective.
I think the issue with some of the ED team's ideas is that they're simply not well thought through.
For example:

- Engineers. In principle, a pretty good idea, i.e. let the players "personalise" their build. In practice, it didn't take long for the updated "meta" to be identified, meaning that "traders" were even more disadvantaged when compared to players who were "combat" oriented.

- Thargoids. Again, a great idea that simply never went anywhere. There "could" have been a genuine incursion by the Thargoids into a who sector of space, gradually pushing inbound, taking over systems and requiring concerted efforts to fight them off in a dynamic style of play. Whilst I appreciate that's a pretty big aim, the actual solution of "go here, we know they're there and have a fight". Just doesn't "feel" even slightly right.
Its been like that since release, they have an amazing knack of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Don't get me wrong I love the game and you can have a good lol with mates doing random stuff in a similar way to you can in other sandbox games but the things they have added have been questionable. Their process seems to be;
  • Announcement about an announcement
  • Hype
  • Hype
  • Announcement
  • Beta release with insane inclusions which massively impact other parts of the game without any consideration for them (Power plan, engineers etc)
  • Fix the odd bug
  • Release it
  • Fix a few more bugs
  • abandon it
I've never understood it. Everything they have released could have brought meaningful gameplay to the table and yet 99% of it utterly unimaginative guff.
I had great hopes for ED when it first came out and played it a lot, I liked the look and the sound of the game as well as the "flight" and combat models, hardly realistic but fun to fight. However over the years its development has left me more and more disappointed to the point I no longer play it.

The missions are one dimensional and generic; take this there or go here and kill x number of ships etc. They could have done them so much better, maybe had some escort missions or stealth missions or anything requiring you to make some sort of interesting decision. There was a training mission in the game where you had to sneak around a system without being seen, that was interesting to do but nothing like that ever made it into the game. The money made from the missions has been increasingly made worthless as there are now so many easy ways to make all the cash you could ever want for ships and weapons. Trading is uninteresting too, its all done via third party websites not through anticipating opportunities through information given in the game itself.

The politics of the game make no sense at all. For instance you can move up the ranks simultaneously in both the Federation and the Empire who are both supposed to hate each other. Logically ranking up in one should give you a lousy reputation in the other and this would have been a lot more interesting to me, choose one and make some enemies for life - a decision with consequences. I guess they didn't want players not being able to fly some of the faction-specific ships though. Then there is the impenetrable mess of the background simulation, all those minor and major factions no one cares about.

None of the above has ever been improved to any great degree over the years. Instead the development has been based on a "me too" philosophy, adding features because other games like Star Citizen or Eve have them. Ship engineering gave the game a crafting element, but it is an intensely boring grind, that involves constant immersion-breaking re-logging to make efficient use of time and it has massively unbalanced combat in the game.

I think Odyssey is more of the same, added because Star Citizen has an FPS element so ED must have it too. Most ED players want to fly a space ship though, not walk around. So instead of copying that feature why not develop the game so ships can land on planets with an atmosphere? I suspect the people who make these decisions are out of touch with their player base, they listen to focus groups and sit on committees and study the competition and so the game just gets broader and broader but never any deeper.
I reinstalled Elite last night and played the game for the 1st time in years.
I promptly got my arse handed to me, so I decided to ask questions on the Elite Reddit and got the exact opposite of help.

According to Steam, the last time I played Elite was in 2018.
I fired up the game today and I'm a little lost at what to do.

I have a Cobra MKIII, hardpoints are 2 x Gimballed Multi-cannon and 2 x Gimballed Beam Laser.
I also have 2.6m CR.

To reintroduce my self to the game, I thought I'd pick u pa data salvage mission. Reward was 30k CR, which I thought would be easy to do.
When I reached the mission, I was jumped by 2 ships that pretty much wrecked me. I couldn't turn quick enough to catch them.
Thankfully secuirty forces arrived to save me and I limped away with 17% hull.

Can anyone give me tips or a guide on what I should be focusing on at my level?
I can see there's a load of new purchasable ships now, should I look into upgrading?

Anyone have any tips? :p
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