*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

............which is a complete nonsense as people tend not to play unfinished, unpolished and broken content.
cough cough *Star Citizen* cough cough...... Seriously, that fits all three of your cough descriptors and based on cough my experiences of 3.13 cough cough, it seems that cough cough their servers are cough getting even worse... cough.....

cough cough *Cyberpunk* cough cough......
cough cough *No Mans Sky* cough cough......
cough cough *Battlefield 4* cough cough......
cough cough *Skyrim* cough cough......
cough cough *Assassins Creed Unity* cough cough......
cough cough *New Vegas* cough cough......
cough cough *Ride To Hell* cough cough......
cough cough *Aliens: Colonial Marines* cough cough......
cough cough *Mass Effect Andromeda* cough cough......

Excuse me, I thing there's a bug going round... cough!
I remember those days, gunning them up in a Python (pre-Nerf), then a Vulture, then a FdL, until Engineering became a necessity if you wanted to simply survive... Nowadays, there isn't a single ship I own that doesn't risk serious death if it merely tangles with an NPC Cobra!

Up until about 6 months ago, I was wrecking about 3-4 Anacondas and associated ships, mostly with G5 railguns and a Plasma cannon, then the "ATR" would turn up, and it's basically instadeath;

They're normally a vulture, G5 engineered - but they have those shield disruptor cannons that the space stations have, 2 or 3 shots and your G5 shield is gone :D you know when they're firing, as their projectiles flash blue and red..
cough cough *Star Citizen* cough cough...... Seriously, that fits all three of your cough descriptors and based on cough my experiences of 3.13 cough cough, it seems that cough cough their servers are cough getting even worse... cough.....

cough cough *Cyberpunk* cough cough......
cough cough *No Mans Sky* cough cough......
cough cough *Battlefield 4* cough cough......
cough cough *Skyrim* cough cough......
cough cough *Assassins Creed Unity* cough cough......
cough cough *New Vegas* cough cough......
cough cough *Ride To Hell* cough cough......
cough cough *Aliens: Colonial Marines* cough cough......
cough cough *Mass Effect Andromeda* cough cough......

Excuse me, I thing there's a bug going round... cough!

SC is sold as a finished product?
Cyberpunk was pulled from sale and refunds were offered.
NMS, look at the grief that caused at launch...
BF4, No idea, never played it.
Skyrim, don't know about anybody else but I got a refund with little issue.
AC Unity, no idea, didn't play it.
New Vegas, as above.
Ride to hell? never even heard of it.
Aliens colonial marines, flopped didn't it, due to the issues?
Mass Effect, again, big outcries from what I recall.

No sure what your point is other than to try and be smart, given a sandbox game with working parts and non-working parts the majority of people will play what works and ignore the rest, sure there will be some that will play the broken parts but they'll be a minority.
cough cough *Star Citizen* cough cough...... Seriously, that fits all three of your cough descriptors and based on cough my experiences of 3.13 cough cough, it seems that cough cough their servers are cough getting even worse... cough.....

cough cough *Cyberpunk* cough cough......
cough cough *No Mans Sky* cough cough......
cough cough *Battlefield 4* cough cough......
cough cough *Skyrim* cough cough......
cough cough *Assassins Creed Unity* cough cough......
cough cough *New Vegas* cough cough......
cough cough *Ride To Hell* cough cough......
cough cough *Aliens: Colonial Marines* cough cough......
cough cough *Mass Effect Andromeda* cough cough......

Excuse me, I thing there's a bug going round... cough!
So basiclaly just give up gaming then as every game has issues?

All of those has been released as done done as someone cleary pointed out.

I diddnt know SC was LIVE and released raring to go!!

As said, its not. Its not even in BETA , not even early access level yet they have made 300m in pledges from loads of players who believe in the project and alos enjoy whats there right now.

Why do yo think loads of ED players are flocking to SC and enjoy it too?
<coughing fit>

My NHS phone app just pinged me after reading your post. :D

Personally I don't think they can ever recover the FPS aspect of Odyssey. Whenever I watch some Odyssey shooty footage and the AI do utterly naff duck and shuffle-stand-duck and shuffle move, it just screams "MINIMUM EFFORT". I have no interest in ever purchasing Odyssey until such time the exploration additions become worthwhile, which appears to be years off. Years. Truth be told I haven't really played the game at all in over a year, was hoping Odyssey would be irresistible. It is the complete opposite of that.
SC is sold as a finished product?
No, it is very much "unfinished, unpolished and broken content"... but people are still playing it. The same would be said of ED in all its Alpha and Beta stages, along with various other games that do the same thing.
The point is that, whether released or not, people do play such content.

No sure what your point is other than to try and be smart, given a sandbox game with working parts and non-working parts the majority of people will play what works and ignore the rest, sure there will be some that will play the broken parts but they'll be a minority.
Actually, the point is that most of those games I listed had enough people still playing them that efforts were made to fix the broken parts, polish the unpolished parts, and finish the unfinished parts.
It'd be 'a whole nother' thread on how far those efforts went and how successful they were, but from my experience I've played most of them and encountered far fewer problems after those efforts.

So people do tend to play such content and the assertion of, "if people play it, we will fix it" is a relatively sound way of assessing value in further development. Perhaps not the best approach, but certainly a valid one.

So basiclaly just give up gaming then as every game has issues?
No no no, not at all... If anything, the opposite - Keep playing, show them you want more, better, finished, fixed games.

'Done done' or not, regardless of what they claim upon release, plenty of people are playing unfinished content though, which was the focus of the point... and how actually done it ends up being, even post-release, depends in part on how much interest there is from those players. People are always complaining how it seems standard fare these days, for a game to be released unfinished and only completed later on.... so much so, that there are a myriad of memes:





Why do yo think loads of ED players are flocking to SC and enjoy it too?
Because it's new, it's something different, it's a break from the grind, it offers a change, people want to see if their pledge has gotten any further.... and because after a decade, you can finally do more than just hobble around in a crappy hangar and stare at a ship model that doesn't even fly.
Or maybe it's just a space toilet fetish thing....

My NHS phone app just pinged me after reading your post. :D
Hee hee hee, sorry, my bad. :p

I think it's theoretically possible they could recover Odyssey, but it'd need a serious redesign and likely complete rebuild from the ground up. I imagine they'd need to import the whole game into a different engine, or perhaps even get something custom-written for them. The biggest issue is how the main game has been designed around HOTAS and VR, while they've gone typical FPS M&KB, with all the other features connected peripherally but not actually attached, let alone properly integrated. It's like a Psion Revo, with external mouse, keyboard, screen, disk drive, printer, modem, sound card, graphics card, dock, wifi and speakers.
Much as I hate the Enter Ship QTEs, SC does the transitional aspect better because it was designed like that from the start. Elite was not.
I mean, if you want to take it out of context go ahead... I'll stick to discussing elite though.
How is this out of context?
SC is a buggy, crashy, unfinished, unpolished, broken load of game.... but people are still playing it and have been defending it (sometimes vehemently) since Day One, only now reaping some semblance of a reward now that RSI/CIG look to be slowly catching up to where ED was a few years ago. Elite has always had a few niggles, but has gotten steadily worse to the point where it's almost as broken as SC, yet until this latest ball-dropping, people carried on playing it to death and back.

I can only assume it's because they are backers who put a lot of money and invested a lot of emotion into each title. But as those memes were meant to illustrate, people soldier on with broken games so often that it's almost standard business practice now and companies take advantage of this. So when FD say, "If they play it, we'll develop it", that's mostly just a sign of modern times.
Now, I have no doubt that, if people play it, they will indeed develop it... My only concern is what direction that development takes.
Now, I have no doubt that, if people play it, they will indeed develop it... My only concern is what direction that development takes.

My concern is that given the bugs and performance issues in elite dangerous Odyssey at the moment I'm not convinced they will actually continue playing it!

Most fans of the game have either gone back to horizons or given up on it entirely from what I've seen.
To me it feels as though ED just don't have any resources, for months on end one of the mining tools were broken (pulse wave analyser I think) so you couldn't do core mining. There were threads all over the place on their forums, but they just ignored it for ages and ages, I think it did get fixed eventually - but that, along with all of the other core issues which weren't fixed just makes it feels like they just don't have the resources.

ED also come across as the sort of company, who have their own vision about something and despite it being a pile of **** they'll never ever see anything differently.. A good example of this is Arena PVP - I played it for a while and tried to get into it, but it's fundamentally flawed.

You can't have a competitive PVP game, where more powerful weapons, shields, better ships, and upgrades are rank-locked, so you have to start with terrible gear and get smashed to bits over and over by players with way stronger ships/equipment - it's just the worst possible player experience. It's like playing CS:GO, and having to play 10 full matches with only a Glock, against people with AKs and AWPs, in order to unlock the Galil AR, and so on - it's a crap experience and nobody sticks with it.

But it's so frustrating, because Arena PVP is actually fantastic, in terms of the actual combat and the way the smaller ships handle - but they just don't know what they're doing in terms of how to turn it into a game that people can get into, and progress with.
I think the thing I find so frustrating, is the core game is EXCELLENT the ships, the weapons, the flight mechanics and skill required to pilot them, they've essentially got the hardest part bang on, in my opinion. But it feels like the people who create the experience, in terms of missions, actual content, story, exploration etc are just from a different company who are making the bare minimum and don't care.


That's what really frustrates me. The core game is so good but the mission structure and game content, particularly in space, hasn't really changed or been improved since the game was originally released. They could do so much more but for some reason they don't seem interested and we just get more grindy make work tasks.

I came to elite for a space combat/trading sim but the arm reluctant to expand that part of the game and instead focused on an FPS component very few wanted IMO.
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I came to elite for a space combat/trading sim but the arm reluctant to expand that part of the game and instead focused on an FPS component very few wanted IMO.

Honestly, since l finished work today I've been watching a few reviews of Odessy and the FPS gameplay, my god it looks so crap! I mean, it looks like someone has just messed around in Unity for a few days and produced a generic FPS game for a job interview or side project, or something... It looks shockingly bad.

I still do not understand how they screwed up multicrew so badly, there's an awesome PVP element right there - like Sea of Theives where you and your mates are doing all manner of things on the ship at once, whilst firing guns at another gallion, somebody handles the sails, somebody else the rudder - more on the guns etc, imagine that with Anacondas/clippers and stuff, especially going up against Thargoids.... but nope.....

I think they're way out of touch with the player base, I know developers aren't perfect - I spent almost five years working for Riot Games working on League of Legends and Valorant, you have to listen to the players and what they want at all times. Sure you can't deliver everything they want all the time and there are times when the devs get it wrong, but you have to listen and remember that the players and what they want, are the ones who matter above absolutely everything else, ED just don't listen and don't care.

I imagine ED is looking at their dwindling player base and thinks that by releasing an FPS game for ED it'll bring more players into the game and increase the player numbers. Trouble is with games like Battlefield 2042 coming - who wants to play a crappy generic FPS like Odessey? It's like they don't understand their player base.
Said from the moment Odyssey was teased that it would be a mistake, the way it was released and the reactions since has confirmed all my previous thoughts of Frontier as a dev. They are entirely out of touch with the player base and their own game, they have zero interest in making the game fun and don't like any criticism. As others have said, it's a shame as the base game has potential.

I'm glad SC is getting to a playable state, so I've got another space game to play. There's already pretty much as many things to do ingame as in Elite with many more features coming.
I have been saying this for years on this very forum and got bashed for the what was clearly happening with ED. I went through the grind of the engineers first time around and when the less than impressive Thargoids came to town and it all started again I pretty much quit the game. I have not even bothered with the latest expansion, I have zero interest in a half arsed FPS game with grindplay as gameplay.

The core is good and all that means is ship flight and combat itself everything else is utter utter mess including the UI. FD have zero chance of fixing it, The only way the game will survive is the cutting the servers off and releasing what was promised first time around. A offline standalone game that people can mod to make the game actually decent. FD are clueless and have broken a franchise that was loved by many people.
Has anyone created a truly single player experience from Elite? I mean a bit like the single player Tarkov - which is absolutely brilliant as I can do what I want without affecting other people.
So creating a server that runs locally only.
If I could loadup with all the stuff I need to upgrade my stuff just so I could then concentrate on just getting into dog fights or chillaxing with some trade runs.
I've not touched Elite in years despite spending lots of money getting a HOTAS and PC upgrades just to play it (oh and VR) but would love to be able to just drop into my own server at will.
To me it feels as though ED just don't have any resources, for months on end one of the mining tools were broken (pulse wave analyser I think) so you couldn't do core mining. There were threads all over the place on their forums, but they just ignored it for ages and ages, I think it did get fixed eventually - but that, along with all of the other core issues which weren't fixed just makes it feels like they just don't have the resources.

ED also come across as the sort of company, who have their own vision about something and despite it being a pile of **** they'll never ever see anything differently.. A good example of this is Arena PVP - I played it for a while and tried to get into it, but it's fundamentally flawed.

You can't have a competitive PVP game, where more powerful weapons, shields, better ships, and upgrades are rank-locked, so you have to start with terrible gear and get smashed to bits over and over by players with way stronger ships/equipment - it's just the worst possible player experience. It's like playing CS:GO, and having to play 10 full matches with only a Glock, against people with AKs and AWPs, in order to unlock the Galil AR, and so on - it's a crap experience and nobody sticks with it.

But it's so frustrating, because Arena PVP is actually fantastic, in terms of the actual combat and the way the smaller ships handle - but they just don't know what they're doing in terms of how to turn it into a game that people can get into, and progress with.
Im an original Kickstarter backer and to this day i have never ever even tried the Arena Combat. I have 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, i never will play it. That is not what Elite is about.
I have been saying this for years on this very forum and got bashed for the what was clearly happening with ED. I went through the grind of the engineers first time around and when the less than impressive Thargoids came to town and it all started again I pretty much quit the game. I have not even bothered with the latest expansion, I have zero interest in a half arsed FPS game with grindplay as gameplay.

The core is good and all that means is ship flight and combat itself everything else is utter utter mess including the UI. FD have zero chance of fixing it, The only way the game will survive is the cutting the servers off and releasing what was promised first time around. A offline standalone game that people can mod to make the game actually decent. FD are clueless and have broken a franchise that was loved by many people.

Yeh, I used to think it was okay but have definitely changed my mind on it, apologies if it was me white knighting :D

Im an original Kickstarter backer and to this day i have never ever even tried the Arena Combat. I have 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, i never will play it. That is not what Elite is about.

CQC/Arena is again a solid base let down by a lack of development, why they made it stand alone instead of integrating it into the game is likely another decision based on trying to get the PvP/King of the Hill crowd in I suspect. It's actually great fun if you can get a game that isn't stupidly unbalanced.
The thing about arena is that you can just jump in and get straight into dogfighting in the sidewinder/eagle etc, and those are some of the best ships in the game to PvP in. You can die as many times as you like and there are no consequences, so it’s a great way to learn.

It’s actually great fun, but its just dumb how the progression and rank works, they’ve got almost every element wrong and as a result, I’ve only ever seen 20-30 people playing it.

Most new people who join at rank1 get mashed in seconds by people with 10x better gear, and it’s just no fun at all.
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