omgwtf subject must be wrong.
well it's not, so shut up Very Happy
we have just put kali onto Chaos, the internal test server that is available to us and bughunters only. well, maybe a few other volunteers. atm kali is very unstable and well, borked on a grand scall. the plan is to start getting it stable over the next few days, then make some patches and get the bug hunters help in testing it. we are not able to make patches for it yet, hence the delay on getting the bughunters help. but this is being worked on atm and will be resolved asap.
now for sisi. well. hmmmm. soon ?
once kali is in a stable state we are going to get it onto sisi for player testing. we are hoping this will be next week. yes that soon. ofcourse it must be in a player testing state, which currently it's not. but if we can get rid of the bulk of the show stoppers this week, it's most likely going to hit sisi next week. if valar has the time, then i'm hoping we will be able to do a new mirror, but there is a lot involved in doing a mirror and valar is very busy atm. we will need all the help we can get if we want to get this out sooner rather than later. we need lots of detailed bug reports. a guide to doing a bug report can be found here.
inactive accounts ???
i will start a thread in this forum and if your account is inactive i want you to post there. i will then make your account active and delete your post. people who create threads regarding this will not have there accounts activated.
rule breakers - be warned
i'm cutting down on the rule breaking big style. we have a lot of volunteers and players that give us a lot of useful bug reports and feed back that i'm now going to secure they can continue to do so. so i will be very harsh in the banning of people from the server for rule breaking. i will also be very quick to permaban instead of temp banning. there will be no further warnings regarding this. Rules are here.
while all this is happening, we will also be doing hotfixes to TQ. the hotfixes will be nothing major really unless something pops up. we will be using entropy (another test server bughunters have access to) to test the TQ hotfixes. it might be that on rare occasions we have to move sisi back to dragon to test the hotixes out. this is something we are stuck with and it will only be for a day or so if it does happen.
skill training will not be increased in speed.
skills will not be boosted.
faction stuff and the new ships will not be available.
any questions ?