The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Command ships > HACs

I might buy a few now whilst the prices are low. :o

They're bound to go to 250m or so.
Count_Zero99uk said:
i need more skill points :(

I started playing about 2 months ago and am loving the game.

But EveMon teases me it tells me the best way to get my skills but wants me up at 2:30 to change them lol.

Two months and you are in a command ship...?

Edit : Meh, you're doing Spaceship command 4, not Command Ship 4 :p.
Hows EVE recently? Thinking of leaving WoW for a bit again and coming home. :) Still got that fresh start character to finish training. :o

Edit: Deimos price as of late would be nice. Are they still sky high?
weee got my first pretty much solo pvp kill today, I arrived back in my corps home system after completing a storyline mission that got me prtty close to lvl 3 agent. The home system is 0.1 and has lots of belts and some nice mission agents. Our corp has just turned pirate but we still run missions and rat for ISK.

Anyway, I had just got off the mission and noticed someone the same age as me in the system so I undocked my Thorax (Med tech 1 blasters) and went to search for him, qucik scan later I found his belt and was warping in as I felt I could take him or at least give him a good fight and get my pesky 0.1 sec status down to try and match my peers, he is in a caracal and taking out the rats. I warp in but I missed him by a few seconds. My adrenaline is up at this point as I was expecting a fight, damn :p.

Now im scanning for him and I get two other pilots in a gang just to back me up if I need it, I manage to scan him down to another belt and warp in, BINGO! There he is directly above me about 8000m PERFECT, lock, approach... FIRE. I miss as I speed into range and I start to get scared, a few seconds later im in range and his shields start to melt away but hes locked me back and oh no! my shields melt in two vollys of his missiles. I activate my armor hardners and hope they do the trick, third volly hits and its like he hit a brick wall as my armor hardly moves, I set a cycle on the repper and waist his shields away then start digging into his armor... at this point I remember my drones :p and also my tackler mate comes in and locks him down good (I didnt have a scrambler!).

Local pirate corp: 1
Local Ratters : 0

But its not all good as 7minutes later I make a schoolboy error and warp to a station totaly forgetting my agro timer, I might have got out if I didnt warp to the station from my safespot. I had to do a complete 180, not only that but I was a bit slow and only noticed what was happening when my shields were gone, as a result my Thorax was fried :'(.

But wow what a buzz from the fight, I new I played eve for a reason :P.
I got a buzz from reading that, which is something you don't get reading about WoW PvP. :o

I miss the days of blasting things with my Rax, with its mysterious name. ;)

lolz at your school boy error too. :p Did that in a crusader once, luckily I was moving pretty swifty when they fired so I warped to the planet that was also luckily in front of me.

I might re-sub tomoz, aint even bothered logging into WoW for like nearly a week. Shionoya and Bob need a re-uninon.


Good times.
VeNT said:
what one you going for? I love the slipiner!

Med Auto Spec 5 training nearly done :D

Absolution of course!

Then the Damnation once I have more leadership skills!

I had a nice solo scorp kill in my Pilgrim last night.

It was in a BoB system and the guy went to a belt to tank just for long enough to get his ore out I think.

So anywho I followed him, waited till the rats had aggro, uncloaked and set my drones/ew/*** on him.

But oh noes! I got jammed, and scrambled as more and more ships warped into the belt. So here I was, spamming warp to a planet while aligned thinking my baby was about to go pop when all of a sudden I see a pod appear on overview :p.

Drones had done the work and I had completely forgotten about them!

It was great, because this ship has all faction on it, so it gives that extra little rush when you go against bigger numbers :D.
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pilgrims are just evil, though i managed to own one in my arazu once :P poor fool. Damps are always 4tw :p and the long range disrupters help a lot :)
Skully said:
Absolution of course!

Then the Damnation once I have more leadership skills!

I had a nice solo scorp kill in my Pilgrim last night.

It was in a BoB system and the guy went to a belt to tank just for long enough to get his ore out I think.

So anywho I followed him, waited till the rats had aggro, uncloaked and set my drones/ew/*** on him.

But oh noes! I got jammed, and scrambled as more and more ships warped into the belt. So here I was, spamming warp to a planet while aligned thinking my baby was about to go pop when all of a sudden I see a pod appear on overview :p.

Drones had done the work and I had completely forgotten about them!

It was great, because this ship has all faction on it, so it gives that extra little rush when you go against bigger numbers :D.

Ya git!! Seen that on KB. Nice kill pal
jel said:
Ya git!! Seen that on KB. Nice kill pal

Hehe thanks.

It was quite a rush when I couldn't get away and more came into the belt :p.

That Pilgrim is whacked full of faction gear, not much is T2 or standard. It's so much better to PVP when you know it costs over 400 mill :D.
Skully said:
Hehe thanks.

It was quite a rush when I couldn't get away and more came into the belt :p.

That Pilgrim is whacked full of faction gear, not much is T2 or standard. It's so much better to PVP when you know it costs over 400 mill :D.

400mil....i dream of having that cash one day...
Phate said:
400mil....i dream of having that cash one day...

ah, I know what you mean, down to less than a hundred mill and completly t1 fitted bs (a couple of t2 bits I had in my hanger) working my way back up after lossing 4 bs's in a week. (one good fight in my t2/arby fitted raven vs a inty (enyo I think?) and railthon, although the rest were stupid losses on my part. Another raven (arby/t2 fitted except for the hardners this times) in a gate camp, a hypno fitted scorp in a gate camp, and another cheaper scorp on a unbearably unlucky afk for 2 secounds while grabbing a beer.

Ah I love eve :)
Losing 4 fully t2 fitted BS's in one afternoon stings. (Not my losses.. was an alliance mate.) Even more painful that they were Apoc's.. 8x Aurora L's ..
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