Also don't know if it's a bug but I didn't have a power bar in the arena until after my first match.
Ye that bug soon as name comes up and gets stuck you lose power bar.
Also don't know if it's a bug but I didn't have a power bar in the arena until after my first match.
£40 for a game that you play for a year, well worth it, I am still playing 09, Fifa you got a lot of gaming for £40 as with COD games.
Liking the flight of the ball now, Messi shoots, swerves hits defending sliding in and moves it slight and hits keeper in head
Why Amateur? Can you change it on the demo? There was no def pressure at all there.
Its Cheets - he has trouble scoring own goals at timesWhy Amateur? Can you change it on the demo? There was no def pressure at all there.
Anyone tried playing 09 after a few games on 10?
Its Cheets - he has trouble scoring own goals at times
Bugger, didn't realise you could upload videos, I scored from a cracking cross earlier, I have the video on my phone though
The demo is awesome, the perfect football game.