***The Official Fifa 10 Thread***

im only five mins away from my local Green supermarket, think i'll take the dog out for a walk around 12 :) Doubt they will have a midnight launch up here in glasgow though..
Hoping there are copies around at lunchtime tomorrow - postie would have been and gone by then - James2004 when does that price expire?...

ps3ud0 :cool:
argh, i've been ill all day and only just got out of bed.. will pop into 'A' tonight. fifa should get me through the night when i can't sleep :)
I'm off down the green one at 12 and apparently they will have it at the customer service desk so we'll see. If not I'll just sit in the store and have a paddy. :(
I'm going to my local one at 11. It's a massive supercenter so there's plenty to look at whilst waiting. If I see a queue forming I'll jump in and wait. :D

The blue supermarket near me is, from memory, quite poor for games etc so I'll risk paying a couple of quid extra to guarantee a copy. Shame I won't get to play it till tomorrow night but nevermind, cheap is good!
You probably are a bit sad and a complete tit but I'm still going. Want to go now cos I'm bored :p
BTW I hope some of you actually are going to go and buy this tonight because otherwise it makes me look both sad and a complete tit lol. :p

Yes I'm going down tonight, and I already have a copy somewhere in Royal Mails system. Now that's a bit sad. My Mrs is calling me a geek :cool:
Over on AvForums they are saying that *oops* has started selling already because the green supermarket has. Hmmmmmmmm...
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