The Official FIFA 12 Club(11v11)

Hey Jon. To be honest I was thinking of cutting back a bit my managerial duties. I end up having speak to a lot of people as it is. Maybe we can add an aditional manager?

I might even be taking a break for a few days from FIFA.
I honestly think the squad is getting too big now and there's no real management or control over it.

Which is shown in the results been up and down like a yoyo. Theres also a lot of players who have joined who i have no clue who they are.

Its ok having all these players but theres no quality control we also have people just playing on there own and getting us loses funkymunky and lucky irish both playing together taking on teams of 5 or more and getting loses. Again i don't even know who them 2 are or where they come from. I as said a lot of these new players add little or nothing to the team other then numbers expect making game less enjoyable and harder imo.

This seasons results speak for them selfs with us losing or drawing as many as we winning we have won 13 drawn 11 lost 13 as i write this for a team that was supposed to go for the league year, Its pretty poor form for any team we going backwards instead of forwards.
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I'm going join another club with a few mates who come on mumble and see if this can get sorted out, to many members and it just keeps going up and its like anyone can join and nothing gets said. It maybe a fun club were anyone can play but I'm not having fun :) so maybe im overreacting so its still best if I leave anyway.

As doomer said just before, you got people playing matches when one of them not played for the club before and the other one pretty new plays as any with low pros and takes on teams of 5 or 6 and then quits out mid game. I never knew a rating of 3 was possible unless settings messed up! Now they may be good but still shouldn't do it. With it not being my club I wouldn't do that especially when never played before but thats not up to me.
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wow what the hell is happening? i go awol due to real life issues for a few days and i see like 4 NEW members, poop, doomer and sweede i suppose wanting to quit?

In my defence i did say end of last week that i myself wont be recruiting anymore unless its a new GK and that we will go back to recruiting only 1 per week and today ic ome to teh DR and i see 4 new people and the regulars messaging me how we are in such a bad form and too many new players?

Whats going on? i certainly did not invite 4 new people to the club lol.

We are suppose to do a spring clean TNA :(

Poop stick around, looks like i will hahve to sort this mess out.
Anyways CrooZin and Methman have left teh club due to the above reasons same as poop and CrooZin is quite new to teh club and who the hell is Methman?
sigh....why don't you just kick everyone from the club and re-invite the people you want to still be in the club? Not that after all these recent posts i'd expect to be in that list, kind of getting a hint here :/ but it'd solve the problem.

EDIT: i take that back :p

then quits out mid game..

Hopefully that's nothing to do with me? Just wanted to check as i dropped out mid game earlier but that was due to my net dieing for an hour :)
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I added the above players the are ex members of ball castle they are generally good players who pass and stick to their positions well, there also always on mumble with me and phil so we often give them feed back Plus they mainly play in the afternoon and to be fair i didn't think they would be as active as they have been.
That sqaud looks ok but the damage may have been done got seriously ****ed off to how it was today and i know willy did too.
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:( The forum i had to signup to in order to get on the mumble you guys use isn't sending me the activation email, tried twice now, any reason you use that particular mumble server?
Hi. I just wanted to let people know that I am leaving the club. I was asked to play with people I played with in the former ballcastle club. As doomer said: didn't think they would be that active but now that they are it changes things. they use mumble and that helps a lot.
It is going to be tough for me to stick around with p00p and the sweed gone as i feel i play best with them 2 and know their games pretty well.

But i am wary about the other club too as ballcastle showed if they lose interest again its gonna be a very inactive club.

Torn between 2 clubs.

When i was manager i was constantly giving players feed back in where they needed to improve on in a way i was like a real life football manager. When people joined the club i always explained to the what their role would be in the team how the team likes to play and how to work with me as the any.

If i saw promise in players i always gave them time to gel with the team and work with them 1on1. I did this with jon, sweed, trance, and jambo. Phill would give his own tips or sometimes back me up. I wouldn't just say you need to be doing this, i would say you need to be doing this because. As a manager it was very rewarding watching players get better and in turn the team improving because of it. But i put a lot of time and effort into it.

Now i know trance gives people feed back i just don't know to what extent he does it or how much they listen to him. Was the same thing with phil he gave feed back or tips and people thought he was just having ago at them and either ignored his advice or left.

The problem we had last night we had too many players doing too many things wrong and its impossible to give them any sort of feed back, i played one game last night and was like this is **** and stoped playing. I dont know if sweed or phil would be willing to take a manager role but i think it was a good idea by jambo. I am always happy to give people feed back if they want it as well i even spent some time giving matty some tips when he asked even though he was no longer in the club.

Its a shame because up and till a few nights ago i was enjoying playing for the club i might stick around if the others (sweed and p00p) are willing to give it another chance now jon has remove some the random players.

It would be nice to know who them players was or where they come from.
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yea i hope swede and phil re-consider. i dunno where all these new players come from and it seemed to have ****ed off a lot of people. this is why i implemented a "1 new player per week" rule. i know last week i recruited 3-4 new players but that had to be done as many people left previously.
Going to be the old problem now of not having enough players online to play. I've considered leaving so many times theres been plenty of chances. I'd said that I would leave and if things improve I would consider rejoining but I can't see that at the moment. It's been a while the clubs been going now and seem in a worse position then we started and don't enjoy playing as much.

Also don't think you should making some of these decisions just because I moan, if you recruit someone just need you to be around to see how they do. Some of them could have became good but its hard to tell with so many new ones, people on that list are inactive at the moment as well. Well I've not seen them play in a while.
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Indeed pickle, indeed. Pretty much how I felt when I read the posts. lol

Ok here we I go will reply to each post.

I honestly think the squad is getting too big now and there's no real management or control over it.

Which is shown in the results been up and down like a yoyo. Theres also a lot of players who have joined who i have no clue who they are.

Its ok having all these players but theres no quality control we also have people just playing on there own and getting us loses funkymunky and lucky irish both playing together taking on teams of 5 or more and getting loses. Again i don't even know who them 2 are or where they come from. I as said a lot of these new players add little or nothing to the team other then numbers expect making game less enjoyable and harder imo.

This seasons results speak for them selfs with us losing or drawing as many as we winning we have won 13 drawn 11 lost 13 as i write this for a team that was supposed to go for the league year, Its pretty poor form for any team we going backwards instead of forwards.

I did explain that we would need this month or at least 2 weeks to gel with new guys and find regulars that will stay and be active. As you know this is not an easy process, if you don't give anyone a chance you will never know. For example if Jon never started looking for new player and me talking to them for ages trying to explain to them the way we play and the rules, we would not have found xavi who is a very active player, on pretty much every time we have played. He has slowly improved and I know he would continue to. Not to mention he does not mind playing in different roles.

I mean think about it, go back only 1 week or so and we were not very active, we needed new players. Only been a few days I think since croozin and co joined, and for me I remember those guys from Sad Pandas and BallCastle, they will be active for once week then you will hardly ever see them again, so in my head I am thinking sure the squad number has been bolstered temporarily and it looks very active but we need to get one or two more players that are regulars long term.

The players you say you dont know who they are, well they the new guys. Some like gugu did not listen well and just poped in yesterday and went in ST position as that is his main position. He was probably not gona pass the trail anyway, as I told him you need to be more active and play different positions etc etc... Now I get it is annoying when he comes in and joins ST, but did I not sort that out? Did he get to play ST? No. He played one game then went offline and I was planing to release him as he did not seem to fit.

As for quality control, I am not on 24/7 we have 3 managers, it's not all my fault when **** goes wrong like that. Instead of people getting all ****ed and leaving should have just told those guys, or told a manager online to even kick if it bothered them to much. I only spoke to funky money once and explained some stuff, but would have done so more. But to be honest from all the new guys only two who seem to listen and want to learn are Xavi and Marrow. Even Morrow was not completely safe in passing the trail as he would play out of position at times, but did show indication he was learning. The rest were just gona get max 1 more week then kick, or just kick after how much last nights 2 losses they got upset people.

The quality control Doomer would like would have meant none of those guys would have had the chance to even have a trail in the first place coz they were just random people. Or maybe I am wrong, I don't know. But to me when someone says they are happy and seem to have no issues and after one bad night just up and leave says a lot. Now I do want to stress the word "some" when I say that.

I was expecting a slow start to the season, but not this bad to be honest. With many new members a slow start was expected, that is why I did say doub wwe will win the league this month too. But lets be honest here, if you look at who played in majority of those games apart from a few losses from the new guys at the end last night, it was either the regulars or the new ballcastle guys. I mean I was there yesterday, we were drawing lots of high ranked teams, but we were also not playing as well as we usually would either, and I think the bad results are mainly attributed to that then anything else. At least from what I can recall.

I'm going join another club with a few mates who come on mumble and see if this can get sorted out, to many members and it just keeps going up and its like anyone can join and nothing gets said. It maybe a fun club were anyone can play but I'm not having fun :) so maybe im overreacting so its still best if I leave anyway.

As doomer said just before, you got people playing matches when one of them not played for the club before and the other one pretty new plays as any with low pros and takes on teams of 5 or 6 and then quits out mid game. I never knew a rating of 3 was possible unless settings messed up! Now they may be good but still shouldn't do it. With it not being my club I wouldn't do that especially when never played before but thats not up to me.

To be honest I don't blame you. You play to a high standard and I enjoy playing with you. But one thing I will say is, I have said on many occasions, stop thinking of it as my club or his club. If you have a problem if you don't want to do something tell me or another manager and if it makes sense we do it. Should not be letting 2 new guys who lost 2 games effect you to an extent where you want to leave sausage ;)

Also the not enjoying part, I did not particularly enjoy myself yesterday either in the games I was in as we were not winning much and not playing great either. But that had nothing to do with the two guys who got the two losses. That was more the trigger than anything else if you ask me.

wow what the hell is happening? i go awol due to real life issues for a few days and i see like 4 NEW members, poop, doomer and sweede i suppose wanting to quit?

In my defence i did say end of last week that i myself wont be recruiting anymore unless its a new GK and that we will go back to recruiting only 1 per week and today ic ome to teh DR and i see 4 new people and the regulars messaging me how we are in such a bad form and too many new players?

Whats going on? i certainly did not invite 4 new people to the club lol.

We are suppose to do a spring clean TNA :(

Poop stick around, looks like i will hahve to sort this mess out.

Hey man, sorry. I did not think a couple losses by new guys would cause people to want to leave. I don't recall you saying we have stopped recruiting, but not going to blame you for anything, as it was me who let the two who caused losses in. So not your fault, I will take the blame for that. As for spring clean, I got rid of 4, and was about to get rid of more next week as explained and to replace them with active guys.

Here is what is happening, people only see from their point of view and are not interested in thinking of what the big picture is like. In a nutshell here is what I saw to justify my actions, even though they may not have been right, which I will let you guys be the judge of.

Lets look back to about one maybe max two weeks ago, I would come on and there would be no one to play with. Pickle even has a post saying there is no one to play with when he comes on. I even recall me and Phil playing a game very recently and we were saying there is no one to play with etc... So we started recruiting and giving people trails. I gave people one max two weeks to see if they fit in. Well it has been just about two weeks, since all this started and from all the guys that came in about six I think it was only Xavi I would say seemed like he passed the trail and Morrow I was thinking to give a little bit more time. The rest were very close to getting kick, and some were already kicked anyway.

The way I saw it is, if Phil and Doomer not online, then who do we really have to play with? These guys not online or want to play all the time, with some of the at the time recent departures we needed new players. Now thinking about it, what changed from then to now? Doomer brought over his ball castle mates which made our club a lot more active the past week, but who are they exactly? Lets look at their track record, from my perspective at least. They were all in Sad Pandas, but how active where they? You would see them for a few days playing a lot, then boom, not there for a weeks. Then BallCastle came out, what happened? Exactly the same... So what do I, stop recruiting because suddenly we have too many active players? No, because there is a good chance those guys going to disapear again shortly and then after 2-3 weeks of not being active get the kick which is what happened to them in Sad Pandas. I would hope that would not happen, but it looked like the likely thing to happen.

What I decided to do was get the recruiting phase out of the way in the next few weeks, find a few more decent players like xavi who are willing to learn and don't mind playing in different positions. That way we have 2-3 extra people who we know are very active and gona stick in there for the long haul. I even said just a day or two ago this, no one said nooo this is a bad idea. People don't like to be pro active, they just wait until **** goes wrong and leave. Why not say, I think this is a bad idea Trance, lets stop recruiting now. I don't see anyone saying that. All I recall is doomer telling me squad too big and that was less then 24hrs ago ffs. lol

It annoys me I try and do what is best for the club for us all, and instead of helping me out some try to hinder things.

Hi. I just wanted to let people know that I am leaving the club. I was asked to play with people I played with in the former ballcastle club. As doomer said: didn't think they would be that active but now that they are it changes things. they use mumble and that helps a lot.

Got to admit, a bit disappointed with you Stoko. I only asked you if you as happy like less than a week ago and you said you was very happy. Then 1 night, 1 night... of **** going wrong and you want to leave. What happens when those guys not active again after a week like before? :rolleyes:

It is going to be tough for me to stick around with p00p and the sweed gone as i feel i play best with them 2 and know their games pretty well.

But i am wary about the other club too as ballcastle showed if they lose interest again its gonna be a very inactive club.

Torn between 2 clubs.

When i was manager i was constantly giving players feed back in where they needed to improve on in a way i was like a real life football manager. When people joined the club i always explained to the what their role would be in the team how the team likes to play and how to work with me as the any.

If i saw promise in players i always gave them time to gel with the team and work with them 1on1. I did this with jon, sweed, trance, and jambo. Phill would give his own tips or sometimes back me up. I wouldn't just say you need to be doing this, i would say you need to be doing this because. As a manager it was very rewarding watching players get better and in turn the team improving because of it. But i put a lot of time and effort into it.

Now i know trance gives people feed back i just don't know to what extent he does it or how much they listen to him. Was the same thing with phil he gave feed back or tips and people thought he was just having ago at them and either ignored his advice or left.

The problem we had last night we had too many players doing too many things wrong and its impossible to give them any sort of feed back, i played one game last night and was like this is **** and stoped playing. I dont know if sweed or phil would be willing to take a manager role but i think it was a good idea by jambo. I am always happy to give people feed back if they want it as well i even spent some time giving matty some tips when he asked even though he was no longer in the club.

Its a shame because up and till a few nights ago i was enjoying playing for the club i might stick around if the others (sweed and p00p) are willing to give it another chance now jon has remove some the random players.

It would be nice to know who them players was or where they come from.

I understand what you mean Doomer, with those guys gone I would totally understand you wanting to join them. I appreciate you sticking around and giving us a chance to fix things, I really do.

Seems you agree with me that those guys may not be active for long and share my concerns.

It's strange really how this really came about. Initially I made the club to get the ball rolling and made some managers. I never thought I would be involved as much as I have been. I have on many occasions said, lets not trying and think about it as one mans club, its out club. But in the end people just come to me when **** goes wrong, well most of the times anyway, some just leave and create their own clubs :p:D

I never asked for this... lol. I just wanted to help out and got dragged in to it. It was fun for a while, I actually had a lot of fun during the time when other guys left to create their own club. lol. But again I have to admit, it stopped being fun pretty much the minute I woke up and read all these posts. As I had no idea about it when I left last night and posted saying I am taking a few days off.

I know what you mean about your management Doomer, you did a great job at Sad Pandas. But that was different as we all know. For me to employ a similar management style would mean I would need to spend even more time, which I do not want to do and could lead to even more people wanting to leave. Some people already felt I was being a bit tough or what not as we found out not so long ago. The way I see it is this, you did all that hard work, but where is Sad Pandas now? Lucky that at least we stuck together and we play with each other so it's not a total waste.

That is what all this exactly starting to feel like to me, a waste, a waste of my time. No one really appreciates it in the end. If it does not lead to me/us having fun in the long term then what is the point? I am not the only manager, heck we have many regulars who could have chipped in and helped out if they felt I was going of rails with my management.

As you just said, it was fun up until a few nights ago... Says a lot really doesn't it? ;)

Will post more when I get back in.
About swede. it was only 15mins before i posted that list of players that he said he is happy at playing with us but may consider joining phil and doomer if they both leave :(

not much to add to TNA's post. it seems that both Doomer and TNA recruited loads of people and ironic thing is that Doomer you said we have too many players yet you are half responsible for that(by recruiting your mates) and when we had a chat i thought i was TNA who recruited all lol.

TNA is right. we cant have a small team otherwise whats the point? we had a very small team when matty and co left and can you remind me how many games we played together?

i then went on to recruit 4 new people(two that are active) and clubs began to be become more active again. All it takes is 2-3 active people to be online for the rest of us to follow and get a decent game on.

Like TNA i CANT be on manageing 24/7. its impossible. we have a life. that is why TNA made multiple managers so there is at least one manager around.

Anyways if phil and doomer and stok really are going to leave, then its back to the drawing board of finding new players.

Infact, im gunna start the ball rolling TNA if u dont mind. do the same. lets look for at least one or two new player just incase these lot leave.

phil and doomer, you dont realise how much we have listened to your views and opinions and worked on putting them into practise and your going to leave us?

before phil and doomer joined, me and TNA were A LOT more relaxed in our rules but we have become more strict for the benefit of phil and doomers advice and our repayment is that they thinking of leaving us :(
I'm sorry if I have dissappointed you guys. I made a quick desicion yesterday and to be honest I should have talked with you jon and trance before so u had a heads up. The problem for me is still there though:

I have gotten used to having doomer and phil on mumble and that effects the game big time;
(1) u can give instant feed back,
(2) u understand if another player is having a bad day and you are more forgiving,
(3) the game doesn't become that serious because u joke around about things while in game and that makes it more relaxing,
(4) Most importantly you get to know the people controlling the pro

What made the cup tip over was when I talked to trance and he said that he doesn't use mumble and his arguements were understandable, the problem is that I disagree with him on this point (no hard feelings :-) ). As soon as I get a hold of doomer and phil I will have a chat with them and see what they decide. If they are willing to give the club another shot I will stay, that if I am still welcome after my little **** up :-S.

P.S. Xavi is a very good player. He has been consistent during the games I have played with him. playing simple and stable.

Picklesnipe. I'm sorry that I have to give you tips. I enjoyed playing with you in the beginning as CDM but after a while you started to want to defend in way that risks too much. Making slidetackles and pressing too high up risking to trail behind when the opposition attacks and passes past you. That effects the other CDM being forced to "save your ass" and not being able to rely on you. For the CAM it causes the problem that he has to go down and defend when the other CDM is out of position or his stamina makes him to tired to run.
i must get back to mumble :) enjoyed the banter and all the moaning and swearing come from u sweede lol. everytime i see u make a mistake i imagine u shouting and swearing lol
hahahaha. some things don't change. I hate when I make a dumb mistake. More then once I have joked around on mumble that phil and doomer has to score a goal and save my ass because I made the opposition score a goal :-P
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