***** The Official Fifa 12 Thread *****

There still will NOT be a TOTW, but from 10PM UK today until Wed 6pm UK, we'll be running a new #FUT tournament called the 'Longshot Cup'

You have 4 chances to win the #LongshotCup: 2 online/2 offline. Your reward for winning? A NEW in-form HONDA!

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IF Honda, only available in this new Longshot Cup. You only get 2 attempts for Online and 2 for Offline. That's impossible for me. :p

edit: bah beaten. :o

Problem is it gets real tiresome having to quit in the first round. :p
Guess this might be that ultimate difficultly or whatever they made up - not played offilne for ages. Its only IF Honda :p, his price will plummet cos of this...
Never played offline FUT but might try this for a IF Honda - is this true? So you can just quit if you're losing and start the game again?
I actually dont know, my offline losses speak for themselves :o, find out and tell us!

ps3ud0 :cool:
Oh dear, coin sellers getting banned - this is going to be interesting....
Explain yourself - sounds much like their forum bannage banning you from all your PC Origin games :eek:
It's not as good as people think it is :| Tim scored 3 goals in the match we played last night.
Gawd that really is **** then :eek:. Did you go to the bathroom or something at the time? :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
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