***** The Official Fifa 12 Thread *****

Never played offline FUT but might try this for a IF Honda - is this true? So you can just quit if you're losing and start the game again?

It worked when I got to a final and had to play Neuer Munich and couldn't score past him. This was before the update though so not sure if they have stopped that loophole. Play the standard offline tournaments and then switch off your console, see if it works.
He'll discard for at least 10k so not bad for a tournament prize?

What are you talking about? Who discards IF's that are worth more than 10k? He will go for atleast 30-50k at first then settle to around 25-30k. He might be the most populated IF? You could just win that tourney with several accounts?
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I wouldn't discard him, 10,000 isn't really anything in the grand scheme of things. I wonder how rare he'll be, if you only get two offline attempts and two online attempts then I can't imagine that many people will get him, if it's difficult.
Ummm well he plays in the Russian League for an under-represented country so I can't imagine him being that popular.

Add to that the number of people playing tournaments - out of every 32 people entering a tournament, one will get him.

Say there are 200,000 playing FUT - even if they could only enter once, you would have 6,250 IF Hondas. And you can enter more than once!

So as I said, don't think he will go for much more than 11-15k by the end of the weekend, but what I was saying is that while he'll be cheap, getting the discard value of 10k is still way more than the prize money for most tournaments. Capiche?
Ummm well he plays in the Russian League for an under-represented country so I can't imagine him being that popular.

Add to that the number of people playing tournaments - out of every 32 people entering a tournament, one will get him.

Say there are 200,000 playing FUT - even if they could only enter once, you would have 6,250 IF Hondas. And you can enter more than once!

So as I said, don't think he will go for much more than 11-15k by the end of the weekend, but what I was saying is that while he'll be cheap, getting the discard value of 10k is still way more than the prize money for most tournaments. Capiche?

Who the hell in this day and age says "capiche"?


IF Honda, LOL, EA...

So there is definitely going to be a Pato tournament :p

I think the only reason there is a IF Honda is because there was no TOTW and Honda got a hat trick in a WCQ match.

IF Pato would be nice. His NIF is already in the top 5 best NIF strikers in the game IMO.
Do a lot of people really buy coins?

Maybe if EA banned the people with autobuyers the market might be more realistic and people would have fewer coins to sell...

Yep :/ Autobuyers are being dealt with too - I think that if the accounts are binned though more just pop up, need to patch it out which will take time :<
So as I said, don't think he will go for much more than 11-15k by the end of the weekend, but what I was saying is that while he'll be cheap, getting the discard value of 10k is still way more than the prize money for most tournaments. Capiche?

On the flip side, if people think he isn't going to be worth much and they start discarding him then he'll become rarer and more expensive, this has happened with loads of player. Any of the IF's from the first few weeks are a good example of this, regardless of league or national popularity. I've only ever played against a handful of Portuguese teams since last September but the in form Danny is still anywhere from 70,000-100,000 so you can't base the price of a player on their league or country alone.

Personally I think you'd be mad to discard Honda as soon as you got him, better to either get involved in the hype and sell him straight away, or wait for people to discard (if they do) and then sell him when he's much rarer. Not that it'll matter much because FIFA 13 is only 12 weeks or so away. :)
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