***** The Official Fifa 12 Thread *****

Just played against such a pace annoying team.

Ronaldo - UP Aguero - Di Maria
Neymar - Nilmar - SIF Ramires
IF Marcelo - IF Silva - TOTY Dede - Alves

Grrr. Lost 2-1 but he got a soft pen.

Its so hard defending against pace when you have Hummels in defence. Had to go ultra defence and play counter attacking football. I almost got a 2nd goal but Schrulle hit the post. :angry:
Hmm this injury thing is starting to annoy me - 6 games in a row and Ive had at least one injury per game :confused:

ps3ud0 :cool:

Just play players that don't get injured. What is your team?

RVP gets injured in every game for me. My German players never get injured, well maybe Ozil.
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Taking another leaf from the book of Tim....


Bale and Ibra subbed on for 9 chem ;$
Just play players that don't get injured. What is your team?

RVP gets injured in every game for me. My German players never get injured, well maybe Ozil.
Its all 3 of my teams - latest people were Pato, Hulk, Remy, Suarez - only Pato is injury prone, but before the last week and a bit he must have been injured a couple of times, now its once a gaming session :(

Seems to come in fits and starts though...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Taking another leaf from the book of Tim....


Bale and Ibra subbed on for 9 chem ;$

How can you even enjoy playing fifa with that team and formation?

Way too much presure to win all the time with that team. It would just damper my enjoyment to be honest. I've played with an 89 rated team and its just not that fun. I'd rather buld a a more balanced team.

My current team is probably my most balanced/fun team I have built.


------Podolski - TOTY Ozil - Muller---
-------------Bastian - Kheidra-------
IF Pander - IF Toprak - Hummels - Lahm
-----------------UP Neur------------

It just works. Gomez in this set up is beastly. Averaging 2 goals a game.
dan when u say subbed on for 9 chem do you mean that if you have players in that position that have 9 chem no matter how bad they are then when you bring on subs they will also have 9 chem regardless of league,nation etc etc ,
No pressure at all, it's very fun :)

Yea but if you lose with that team then whats the point in building it? I bet you get beat by an average team every now and again.


dan when u say subbed on for 9 chem do you mean that if you have players in that position that have 9 chem no matter how bad they are then when you bring on subs they will also have 9 chem regardless of league,nation etc etc ,

Subbing on players gives them 9 chem. Its abusing the system and EA are idiots for not fixing it. I hope Barca buy Bale and put him LB. I have subbed him on for LB and he is perfect for that posistion. I think he is natural LB? Doesn't he sometimes play LB for Wales?
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Yea but if you lose with that team then whats the point in building it? I bet you get beat by an average team every now and again.


Not yet no (including previous iterations of this team) - only been beaten a couple of times and that was down to me not being able to afford squad fitness cards - fitness was down in he 70's and I got killed towards the end of the games :D

Nearly every team I've played has ended in a dominant victory, the handicap is all in the mind :| Either that or something about this team makes it play ridiculously well!
Taking another leaf from the book of Tim....


Bale and Ibra subbed on for 9 chem ;$


Not yet no (including previous iterations of this team) - only been beaten a couple of times and that was down to me not being able to afford squad fitness cards - fitness was down in he 70's and I got killed towards the end of the games :D

Nearly every team I've played has ended in a dominant victory, the handicap is all in the mind :| Either that or something about this team makes it play ridiculously well!

Don't forget I finally beat that sweaty git team, too, ultimate humiliation!!!

Don't forget I finally beat that sweaty git team, too, ultimate humiliation!!!

On penalties (which I had said at the time I couldn't be bothered with), straight after I'd been in AI 1-2spam cutback fest, and whilst my players were on low fitness?

Well done you!


This is my current team, it's hard to make a Spain team with a fast defence but I think Pique/Puyol are okay if you set them to defensive, Alonso and the full backs help out.

IF Juanfran
SIF Amorebieta
Sergio Busquets
TOTY Michu

IF Natxo Monreal
I assume Puyol was annoying in the sense his 'fro was taking up half the screen rather than his playing ability, seeing as a 55(ish) pace CB is about as troublesome as Titus Bramble in real life.
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