I think the Dutch did last night vs Portugal.
Seemed pretty ineffective!
Is they a glitch for FUT where by you quit and get coins still?
Noticed over the pass few nights I would find a game (tournament ) and on the screen it shows you the team it would just hang there and not load, and when I check my recent players that player has gone offline.
When it has happened I have left it for like 20 minutes then got fed up and dashboarded it, only to load back into FUT and see it counted as a loss.
This has happened on both Xbox's I have...
The guy hasn't actually gone offline, he has just set his status to offline to make you think he's quit already. This means you quit before him and he gets to the next round.
Can hardly see the being case for all of them? Some even say they are dashboard before I quit yet I get the loss...