***** The Official Fifa 12 Thread *****

How do you intend to score with that team? They're all so slow and you can't just pass your way through in Fifa.

Fabregas is dire as well, go Kaka or Ozil.

Fabregas is awesome, what are you talking about? Great passing, great attack, great at long shots and scoring in the box.

Not as good ball control as Kaka or Ozil though.
His NIF was horrendous when I used him, subbed him off for IF Beckham, thats how bad it was!!

The IF was a beast though, again, very sluggish feeling, but good passing, great shooting, decent long shots etc..

Can't find any iMOTM Ibra's on the market when I look :(
Fabregas is awesome, what are you talking about? Great passing, great attack, great at long shots and scoring in the box.

Not as good ball control as Kaka or Ozil though.

I've had him in two teams and he's been rubbish in both. His passing is woefully inconsistent, ranging between amazing and absolute dog turd, his free kicks are ****, he's not that fast, not strong, positionally retarded... when played at CAM he's a poor man's Xavi and there's no reason to put him at CF when you have Ozil, Bojan etc to choose from.
gg's last night Thundery, sorry we didn't have as many, hopefully tonight? :D

Preferred your 4-2-3-1 team!!! :p

:D I'm really liking 4-3-3, team just feels so much better than the last one. Only disappointment was MOTM Lavezzi, I'm sure he's slower than his NIF. I've put him on the market and I'll get his IF once he's sold.

I'll probably be on tonight.
Overall, I think so! But that's possibly me putting too much weight on the long throwing trait, I rarely use keepers without it these days.

Not quite sure what you're getting at there?

Last time you made a ridiculous team you made that comment as if there was some hidden reason as to why it was playing well...
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