***** The Official Fifa 12 Thread *****

new team

GK: Valdez
RB: Ramos
CB: Pepe
CB: Pique
LB: Marcelo

CDM: Mascherano
LM: Mata
RM: Sanchez
CAM: Silva

ST: Benzema
ST: Toress

IF Irola
IF saldado
Di maria
Jose enrique

Any improvments? got 25k coins
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When are the attackers released? When the hell is this market gonna crash, I search for a player I want and they've gone up loads since a few weeks ago, especially IF's.
When are the attackers released? When the hell is this market gonna crash, I search for a player I want and they've gone up loads since a few weeks ago, especially IF's.

No time scale yet mate. It's likely be be Saturdayish, with a happy hour when released.
But it doesn't represent how the formation plays if you aren't on Ultra Defensive.

Yeah, if I switch to Ultra Defensive then everyones back - but when not the LB & RB are both Wingers and more often than not past the half way line coming forward providing options for Cambiasso/De Rossi.

Cambiasso and De Rossi both come forward quite a lot, they don't sit that far back, Cambiasso sits further back than De Rossi most of the time.

They are both good at going forwards and going back, I don't have a big gap between CF - CDM/Defence - it all links up nicely.

But hey, there's been this discussion before and the majority vote was 'lol 5 at the back cheap' - apart from Andy who agreed with me from what I remember that you usually end up with 3 back there.

I know most people will scoff, but tried Boateng at CDM? Beastly defender, great attacker, packs a punch in all areas and has a mean shot and tackle, definitely someone who you could use as a "utility"
Midfielders started on Wdnesday, they'd be doing themselves a real favour by releasing attackers at 6pm Friday, which is what I think they will do, TOTY Rooney, Ronaldo & Messi all weekend long, they'd be stupid not to.
Midfielders started on Wdnesday, they'd be doing themselves a real favour by releasing attackers at 6pm Friday, which is what I think they will do, TOTY Rooney, Ronaldo & Messi all weekend long, they'd be stupid not to.

Your right, got my dates mixed up! :p

Friday would make the most sense. What they should do is on Friday you get the chance to get midfielders and attackers during Happy Hour. They would make a killing!
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