***** The Official Fifa 12 Thread *****

IF Pepe is a bit of a beast for only a 1 point card upgrade

never ever trust the OVR rating of an IF card most of them play a lot better. take IF Iraola, IF Nagatomo, IF Jovetic for example they are a lot better than their cards suggest they are.

plus normal Pepe is a beast his IF was only going to be better.
problem is Lavezzi is still the best attacking LM, but yeah in fifa 11 at wide cam or cf he was awesome.

tempted get IF Pazzini, got Cavani and Pato as my front 2, perhaps Paz will take one of there places :-)
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problem is Lavezzi is still the best attacking LM, but yeah in fifa 11 at wide cam or cf he was awesome

yeah, they used to have Di Natale i think last year, they basically swapped those two about position wise.

Lavezzi was my favourite player last year.

this year it's close between, Di Natale and Neymar (sadly i no longer use Neymar due to Brazil and Serie A overlapping too much to make both worthwile and Serie A being a lot better for target men)
not got Di Nat in my team, never tried him.. guess you play him at ST? would he be a good cam?

i use him as a CAM

Cavani -- Cisse

Di Natale -- Robhino

De Rossi -- Cambiasso

IF Nag -- Lucio -- Silva -- Abate


Di Natale has one of the best finesse shots in the game, not as good as Neymar but it's up there, i cut inside and finesse a lot with him. His passing makes him a lot more useful not playing him as an ST, rather have a striker with low passing than a CAM with low passing.

waiting on a few cards to sell, going to get Ibra to replace Cavani.

only just bought IF Nag, hope he's better than Taiwo, Taiwo looks better on paper, but i have t hing for IF cards, my liga bbva team has 4 IF's in it, used to have 5 but i prefer Abidal over IF Marcelo, he stays back at least. I'm hopin Nagatomo doesn't attack a lot.
Has anyone found that when finding a match on Single Matches there are a lot of cowards? My team rating is Attack 73, Midfield 76, Defence 72 and often I get matched up with teams a good 5-10 ratings better than mine which I have no problems with but they quit as soon as they see my stats and 100 team chemistry. :confused: Are these people just hoping to get an easy win against some low chemistry teams?

Sounds like an epic player for an all silver team, but in a team comprised mainly of gold players with no handicap I imagine he wouldn't be as effective as the options that I already have at CF. Plus 80,000 to put him in my particular team is just ridiculous! :o

Yeah your team is pretty much done unless you have the coins for IF Miccoli there is no other players that can improve your team.
Yeah he's a good player though he only makes my bench at the moment. :)


Not sure what to do with this team now, Pirlo isn't worth 25,000-30,000. SIF Marchisio isn't something I want to waste money on either. Thiago Silva is way too expensive at the moment and considering Ogbonna never puts a foot wrong it would be buying a player for the sake of buying a player. I'm thinking new country / league but I quite like the one I have. I've got 120,000 and Eto'o, Wellington Silva and a few random Bundesliga players to sell.

if your looking at Silva why not just get Lucio? Lucio is a tank and clears up anything.

also if your looking at Silva i dont see the point in half your players, i thought the whole point was that they are all italian? if your looking at silva it defeats the purpose of you having that team, as serie a has much better players in it than half of the ones you have chosen.

Stek, Cambiasso, IF Nag/Taiwo, etc.

then you also have italians such as Rossi, IF Balotelli, Di Natale, Santon who are good to have if your thinking keep it pure italian, maybe even try De Rossi (CDM version) at CB and get Pirlo or SIF Marchisio in the CM slot.
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My mate put 433 Rooney up for 150 start. Grab a bargain if you want! :p Got about 40 mins left on him.

i regularly put things up at 150 but with a low BIN (same as cheapest on market) if i want things to sell quickly, but always put a minimum of 3 hours if it's during the day or a minimum of 12 hours over night, they usually sell very quickly for the BIN.

if you stick something up for 150 with no BIN, you will lose a lot of coins. best to get the cheapest BIN, than sell for sometimes up to 50% less
if you stick something up for 150 with no BIN, you will lose a lot of coins. best to get the cheapest BIN, than sell for sometimes up to 50% less

Debatable. There are so many dumb people that don't research the prices of items on the market, only last night I was watching an auction, players get transfixed with winning the particular auction they forget how much they're bidding on then you leave them to it and go find 20 other of the same items 5k cheaper. Swings and roundabouts though..
He's a clown. He doesn't care if he loses money. Haha he lost 100k just selling his last team.

He made 5k.. Lucky git. Bought him for 295 sold for 315. Taking into account about 15k on tax.
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Debatable. There are so many dumb people that don't research the prices of items on the market, only last night I was watching an auction, players get transfixed with winning the particular auction they forget how much they're bidding on then you leave them to it and go find 20 other of the same items 5k cheaper. Swings and roundabouts though..

those are rare tbh, 150 your whole team and see how many sell for above the cheapest BIN or even near their market value.

it only works on really sought after players.
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