*** The Official FIFA 13 Thread ***

My current team and likely for some time yet is howard - sagna - cahill - jagielka - kolarov - johnson - garcia - cazorla - dempsey - adebayor and balotelli. , I've also made a 4-3-3 team with granero, sahin and milner in the centre, and arshavin, bent and sturridge up front.
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You have ronaldo? There are only 5 messi's, ronaldo's and ibra's on the market.

minus Ronaldo.


The runs these players make make it so easy to just spam through balls. Higuain's posistion is 91 and is also there for the pass. Played two games with this team and its really fun. Passing and player quality is much better than pace IMO.
So narrow >.<

edit: I'll post a futhead link in a sec if you want? No idea, not playing on attacking but I don't imagine Luiz & Co's work rates are fantastically defensive...
Some people really don't have a clue about the market.

Barzagli - 84 rated - CB

Watching him average about 10000-12000, looking thru auctions, 59 mins 30 seconds- BIN 2600. I'll have that thanks!
Anyone had any joy fixing the issue where the webapp is locked and tells you to log into a trusted console? But everytime you log on UT through a console you have to input a new security question and answer....

Tried speaking to EA through Twitter, E-mail, Live Chat, Phone but no one knows and each keep telling me to contact by another means...but I have contacted everyone!
My team at the moment, need to get Pique.

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