One can tell that one has not read up on FM Live. Basically, one of the Collyer brothers (I cannot remember which) returned to SI after a long break travelling with the idea of FM Live. He was given the goahead to put it into production (which he obviously did). However, he did it on the proviso he could use his own team, thus not taking anyone away from the actual FM based team.
So basically, its the same game just using two different sets of developement teams, so there wont be any adverse affect on the production of FM09 or development of updates/patches etc for current versions.
The Beta for FM Live has only used a small number for game servers. However, the finished article will have servers depending on the users availability. For example one server is for people who want to play as real life and have the games on a daily basis, seasons lasting a matter of weeks etc.
Whereas there is the other end of the spectrum, the server world for those like me who can only play in the evenings (between 10pm-Midnight) so the game isnt as quick and no-one gains an advantage.
So, your little time excuse fails