***** The Official Galaxy Nexus Thread *****

Mine is waiting for me at an Amazon locker. Will pick it up when going back from work.

Is a factory reset something I need to do soon as I get it? Or not reall necessary?

Anything else I need to be doing before I start playing and customizing it?

You don't need to do a factory reset on a new phone. Check to see whether you have the patch. :)
Can i flash clockworkmod without rooting?
I want to use it as my recovery, but have no want/need to root the OS itself yet...
@DoubleCheese and bhavv

the list of operators selling the GNex is on this site:
Do not know if TMob will be getting it or not. Have not heard. Seems strange that they would not because it has landed in Germany now and TMob is large there and TMob were the early supporters of the Nexus One nearly two years ago. They are mavericks. I thought they were in partnership now with Orange now anyway--Everything Everywhere or whatever they call themselves.
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