***** The Official Galaxy Nexus Thread *****

Where are the people who said it would "crap from a great height over the A5 CPU/GPU"


Seriously though, its a big screen (which is a - for me, maybe i have odd shaped hands or something but the 4"+ devices don't sit well in my hands), similar power to the SGS II, and worse battery life. Oh and a voice command gimmick (which ill call a gimmick, because pretty much everyone on here called the 4s's voice interface a gimmick, so you must feel this way right?).

Or, to quote my colleague - "why on earth would i upgrade my [his] SGS II for this?"

Which backs up a point a few have been saying - mobile hardware is about to plateau for a while.
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Does this have enough stars to be official? :p

I like it but as others have said, nothing really there to make me want to swap out my SGSII; but that's probably a testament to just how good the SGSII is. The only things I am jealous of are ICS and the resolution on that screen but I'm certain the SGSII will get ICS so that will do for now :).

[EDIT]Think I'd prefer hard keys over soft keys as well for menu, home and back because it just seems to waste a bit of the screen space on the soft keys.
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Which backs up a point a few have been saying - mobile hardware is about to plateau for a while.

Or it just means that Samsung are being cheap on components so as to not cannibalise sales of their flagship Galaxy products. Plus they get to use up all those 5mp cameras and old SoC's they still have lying around :p
Does this have enough stars to be official? :p

I like it but as others have said, nothing really there to make me want to swap out my SGSII; but that's probably a testament to just how good the SGSII is. The only things I am jealous of are ICS and the resolution on that screen but I'm certain the SGSII will get ICS so that will do for now :).

[EDIT]Think I'd prefer hard keys over soft keys as well for menu, home and back because it just seems to waste a bit of the screen space on the soft keys.

Agree 100%, if you already have an SGS II then there is no reaosn to upgrade imo... the upgraded screen does not compensate for the lack of SD slot (!) average camera and battery life, and the internal specs are almost the same.

Im going back to waiting for the Galaxy Note.
Which backs up a point a few have been saying - mobile hardware is about to plateau for a while.

Since when have the Nexus models ever been the pinnacle of mobile hardware? It's a reference device for development. Take a look at the previous models.
Pretty much everyone in here was adamant it was going to be the best of the best hardware wise.
Reality is, its a SGS II with a bigger screen.

thats because 'those' people were/are clueless - a bit like you seem to be.
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Pretty much everyone in here was adamant it was going to be the best of the best hardware wise.
Reality is, its a SGS II with a bigger screen.

You mean just like the previous Nexus was just like an SGS with a bigger screen? The SGS2 was released a few months later and raised the bar hardware-wise. I'm intrigued to know why YOU think things are different this time, not anyone else. It sounds like wishful thinking on your part to me, probably because you've got an iPhone?
You mean just like the previous Nexus was just like an SGS with a bigger screen? The SGS2 was released a few months later and raised the bar hardware-wise. I'm intrigued to know why YOU think things are different this time, not anyone else. It sounds like wishful thinking on your part to me, probably because you've got an iPhone?

If this was just an SGSII with better screen I'd be a lot more enthusiastic about it than I actually am. It isn't though, it's actually a lesser specced device.
It may not be the best Android phone (or any phone) available at the minute but it certainly does more than it needs to.

The 5MP camera is more than enough!

Its ICS that makes it what it is.

The biggest selling point is the screen. I for one like it.
It may not be the best Android phone (or any phone) available at the minute but it certainly does more than it needs to.

The 5MP camera is more than enough!

Its ICS that makes it what it is.

The biggest selling point is the screen. I for one like it.

Good stuff, my SGS2 is clearly the better choice so consider my purchase justified!

Edit: Just to add my points on why I think the SGS2 is better:

Non-pentile screen (very big issue for me, I'll never touch one again)
I have a 2000mAh battery whilst still being thinner
I have 48GB storage with my 32GB sd card
Better processor (stable at 1.5Ghz)
Better GPU
Much cheaper (available for £25pm with no cost for the phone on 12/18 month contract)
Better camera

Obviously some people will have different opinions :)
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I was hoping that camera will be better...looking on the photos taken by engadget, im bit dissapointed ...
Swing....and a miss.

It's a shame this handset - they made TI a first party reference and this handset has suffered because of it. All the other bits are really nice and I'd even begrudgingly accept the 5MP unit instead of the Sony 8MP if it wasn't for the SoC choice. Screen's really nice but I'll wait for v2 of it RGB.

Overall the SGS2 with ICS is more appealing to me than the Prime but this is, I appreciate, a probably not well held view. I just prefer the better SoC and better size. And seriously, sd card. Don't leave these out, people use them a lot.
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