***** The Official Galaxy Nexus Thread *****

Just spoke to someone direct at o2 and they wouldn't give me a concrete release date to upgrade to it via them. The only thing she did say was that it would be available by the end of next week, so I guess o2 have been hit by the same delays as most others.

I don't mind waiting a week but I wish there were more concrete dates being set down.

Edit: But someone on xda got this response:

So many mixed messages.

I had the same type of mixed messages when I was trying to get my Galaxy Note. Rang around quite a few CPW and Phones for You shops each one giving different answers. Some stores hadn't heard of the Galaxy Note and had no idea when they'd be getting them, others confirmed they would be stocking them, but it'd be in a few weeks and another told me only the high profile "flagship" stores would be getting them on release and suggested I ring some of them. Managed to find 2 at the Phones for You in the Trafford Centre and they had them from release day (Third of November).

It might be the same case with the Galaxy Nexus, where only the larger/higher profile stores are getting them on release day in small numbers. None of the network shops at the Trafford Centre had any notes either, just CPW and Phones for You who had a total of 5 between them. Quite a small amount considering it was a new release that day.
o2 twitter account saying they will be launching it tomorrow, in answers a few people who have tweeted them about the device, so fingers crossed.

Think I will phone up at 8am when upgrades open.
I'm almost tempted to buy a Lumia 800 today in protest

I won't, because I saw it on the cover of OK! magazine today and it disgusted me, but I might... Samsung better be reading this... I MIGHT :D

I dare you! In fact I double dare you!!

I had a look at the dummy display unit in Phones4U earlier to gage the size and its feels nice. Though I have to say those dummy units are a waste of time, there so poorly made it would put any sane person off of buying the phone all together.
I'm going to queue outside P4U's flagship store in Oxford Street tomorrow morning. Who's with me?

SamsungUk have said on Twitter that you need to be at that store tomorrow at 8am for a chance to be the first person in the World to own a Galaxy Nexus.
SamsungUk have said on Twitter that you need to be at that store tomorrow at 8am for a chance to be the first person in the World to own a Galaxy Nexus.

Fat chance Dundee Phones4U will have any in lol.

If I lived in London, I'd seriously consider queuing up already. If you did manage to be the first, your face would be splattered across ALL tech blogs, so you'd be a little bit of a celeb for like a day :-P

Are Phones4U just selling contract?

I bet it won't be out until next week. The farce continues.

I got the same email from P4U,then they tried to recall it and I've just been sent the same email again!

Their website is showing delivery of 18th,hopefully it will be. One day different isn't so bad. If it slips further then I won't be to happy.
Well this seems like a comedy launch from samsung, lol. If they are going to boast about being one of the big boys then they need to sort their act out!

Especially if there will be a load of people queuing outside P4U on Oxford Street tomorrow morning, salivating at the prospect of picking one up!!
The last paragraph of that article is a bit odd -

For everyone else you may, or may not be able to get it in-store tomorrow as the latest news is that only Three are likely to have any devices available tomorrow with Phones4u having stock from Friday while O2 will have the device on sale next week. Check the earlier article on Nexus delays below for the latest.

Phones4u are having a launch with no stock?

I assume the ones you might get at 8am are going to be contract phones though. I start work at 6am, so unlikely I can be there at 8am :( I might try and get to a Three store on my break though. Better chance of SIM free, surely?
D'ya know, I've been so hyped about this release and its dragged on for so long now, I'm more 'Meh' then anything else at the moment. I probably won't even bother ringing for an upgrade tomorrow and just bide my time till new year
D'ya know, I've been so hyped about this release and its dragged on for so long now, I'm more 'Meh' then anything else at the moment. I probably won't even bother ringing for an upgrade tomorrow and just bide my time till new year

This is what I'll be doing too. Hopefully the prices will be more reasonable too - especially SIM Free.
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