**** The Official Google Pixel 3 Thread ****

After each scratch? That's 50 screen protectors... If 'at the end, before selling' that's the point being made. Why not enjoy it yourself rather than look after it for someone else.
Playing with fuid navigation gestures today, works quite well so far but takes a bit more getting used to. Nice to have all of the screen usable now.

Alps copped some Pixel Buds as I really like the fit of the wired ones, most earbuds don't fit me so doesn't leave me with many options .
Well I'm not a p3 owner but a p2xl owner and that resonates with me. I've said it before but this is simultaneously one of my favourite and least favourite phones. Favourite because when it works it's a joy to use, very much like an android iPhone in terms of polish and speed but also one of the least favourite because I seem to discover a new problem nearly every week. It's starting to calm down a bit but only after I've owned it a year. I'm honestly surprised I haven't sold it yet but that's only because of point #1 :)

U must be unlucky my pxl2 was a beast no issues apart from when it fell in a river and the water proof protection did not kick in
On the other hand I disagree, my pixel 2xl worked flawlessly from day 1.
Lucky you

U must be unlucky my pxl2 was a beast no issues apart from when it fell in a river and the water proof protection did not kick in

Pretty major flaw!

I've been close to selling mine a lot but I like it enough that I haven't yet. But the issues are really tiresome but never particularly major.
Honestly, I think it's more unlucky you. Mine was fine too. I don't know many people had issues with the 2 XL...

Possibly. Mind virtually every problem I’ve ever had has been software, which is the same on most phones. How do I know? Because most of the bugs have been squashed with updates.

Even tonight, I was streaming music to my bluetooth speaker. It took much longer to connect to it than usual. Then it stopped after a particular track. Tried to play that track, it refused. Played the next track, it played, with a couple of stutters, then it stopped and refused to play anything. I rebooted the phone and all was well.

I’ve had nearly every major issue documented since it was released and nearly every single one has been fixed. I guess I should be grateful, but it does feel as though I’m a beta tester.

On the flip side, my iPad Pro gen2 has been utterly flawless in every respect, with the exception of app bugs which are without doubt the fault of the app.

Even my old Samsung rarely ever gave any issues. I had a Sony Z3 which was nearly as good in reliability, and an HTC M8 which was flawless (and still works today and is used daily as a music player in bed).

I keep the Pixel because the camera is great and almost anything else would be a downgrade, the phone is fast and the whole UI is simply more polished than nearly anything else out there bar the ‘almost vanilla’ phones like the OP6 etc. I could even get an XR from work and for 1/3 of the price I’m paying for the P2XL, and have been tempted by my excellent experience with the iPad; but I don’t because iOS simply feels too restrictive to me (even if Google seem to be trying their best to emulate all things Apple).

As an overall package, its great, but for me, it’s a little like owning an Alfa Romeo - definitely not boring, more than the sum of its parts, but as temperemental as an Italian mistress. Maybe I’m more of a BMW man? (iPhone). Actually I’m not, but these little things do grate, and clearly articles like the one a few posts up are an indication that while not everyone has issues, some people certainly do, and the quality control isn’t there. I do use my phone rather heavily so perhaps some are not as heavy users.

I nearly bought a Pixelbook but then I read of all the bluetooth issues and other problems and bugs so its not exactly limited to their phones either. It seems to be a price to pay for being on the cutting edge, and your individual experince is a lottery. So please don’t take this as me hating on the Pixels because I really don’t. I honestly think if I didn’t have so many little niggles they would literally be perfect, and if you’re not then I’m jealous, but my experiences and everything else I read will make me reluctant to own another in all honesty.
Thanks again @_Jimlad_ for the 20% off code, I've now ordered a 3XL 128gb in white. Looking forward to it's arrival (currently out of stock with EE)

Really liking fluid navy gestures on my Pixel XL, I can see me using it on the 3 too, I really hope Google move development of gestures to something similar that's very unobtrusive.
No problems,

Hope it arrives soon.

I am living mine. I thought I would turn of the notch but you get used to it

And a black / dark background helps
Yeah I had it running on mine yesterday, only takes a minute to setup. I've got back to default now, I find it quicker albeit takes up too much of the screen.
Yeah I had it running on mine yesterday, only takes a minute to setup. I've got back to default now, I find it quicker albeit takes up too much of the screen.
In this modern age I think the devices being produced are by and large excellent and have been fine tuned by the manufacturer for a reason. 10 years ago I wouldn't have had to think twice about installing CyanogenMod or some such on my devices to unlock the full potential of the phone. But today with Android (in general) being so good and finely optimised the benefits of rooting or modding etc don't even come close to outweighing the risks. It's the same reason you don't buy a nice expensive new car and start faffing about with it - you leave that to the older second hand junk. There's a reason manufacturers design and implement stuff the way they do.
As said, you don't need to root. It's just one command to set permissions for the app. It's not massively dissimilar to when the pop-up asks you to allow permissions to write to storage, it's just this one isn't built into the system like that.
One thing you can do, is to move the navbar off the screen slightly to make it smaller.

adb shell wm overscan 0,0,0,-30 will shift it down slightly to make it smaller. Not ideal, but it's an option if you like to tinker...

I think the best option would be to have a navbar that's always there, but tuned to be smaller - swiping to go home or back isn't as nice as just pressing a button (IMO). I also found items at the very bottom of the screen harder to reach when no navbar is present - I'd imagine it would be even worse with a device with a smaller chin.
at the prices google are charging in the uk its worth going to germany to get one, a flight +accomodation will be under £80 all in for a 200 euro saving.

Luckily I am going to germany anyway so am having it posted to my hotel and I will pick it up next weekend. Their promo is a total joke though.
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