Through EE directly?
No it was via buymobiles but even then it was through another link I can't remember, it was just in the 'See plans for this phone' when I was looking at reviews etc
Through EE directly?
Where are you running out of space ? You could delete all photos from the device and let them be on the cloud
Photos and videos 13GB
In the photos app i've cleared all the space it says they are 'safely uploaded to the cloud' If I go into storage it says 61.90GB used of 64GB , Photos and videos 13GB, Music 1.5 / Games 1.4 / 'Other apps' 23GB' a few smaller ones, and finally System 21GB
If I go into other apps, it shows 'Google' as the most storage at a whopping 1.4GBthen Whatsapp at 725mb, its strange!
That is quite a lot. How big is your storage plan? As said, I would back that all up and wipe them off the device, but then I have the 2TB plan and a pretty constant good connection... I get that not everyone has that.
Maybe go for a reset? Sounds like something is a miss. I only had 64 on my 4xl and never had any space issues. Everything was cloud stored
Just standard storage, I have dropbox 2TB though.
I am starting to wonder to be honest, did you go for a Pixel 5? As I remember we had similar views on it, and whilst I was a definite-no a few days ago, I am now back to being tempted again, only thing I am concerned about is the speaker issue (hearing others on the phone is apparently not good?) and the size downgrade from the XL
I still enjoy the 5 and wanted to try it. The phone speaker is odd for a couple of calls but you adjust and it becomes normal fairly quick.
The in hand very different mainly the weight of the 4xl but the screen size is not to far off. I am 6'3 with big hands and aging eyes but it's been fine on the 5.
It's not a upgrade in many ways. More a refresh. Maybe have a look at black Friday deals ?
Having the finger print back for PayPal, banking and other apps is a breath of fresh air. Shame the face unlock was not taken up like it did with apple
I just went for a 5, it arrived yesterday and I set it up, I must admit to struggling with the size of it, I have a feeling it's going to be too small, coming from the 2xl,3xl and then 4xl.
I have a feeling it'll be going back... May look at the OP8 Pro, but concerned about the OS!
I've had my P5 for a few days now, and it's going back. I genuinely missed motion sense and face unlock too much. My fingers and pixel FPS's don't get along either, I have quite dry hands so maybe that's it but I had the same issue with the P2XL. I have to redo my prints every few days or they stop working. Photo processing is longer too I've noticed.
Battery and form factor of the P5 is great though.
I kind of expected this so I'm not 100% surprised. It's a shame as I was hoping to love the smaller phone, but there's things I miss to much from the 4XL.
It's a great phone, but not for me.