***The Official Gran Turismo 5 Thread***

Rain looks impressive but there seems to be no sense of speed, they look like they are going at 20mph ffs!

Anyone got any new videos of outside of the car/chase cam view?

Really I wonder how hard some of you are to please.

It may not be a well captured video but that looks like some of the best rain effects Ive ever seen in a racing game. The spray is awesome looking. Taking into account its on a 4 year old console however your welcome to show me better. The rain wont shouldnt effect the sense of speed and if anything it should increase the tension when playing. Certainly though those looking for faults and things worth criticising will find them.

The sounds have definately been giving a good make over as well which was badly needed...
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Image what it will be like in a Yaris :D
Slower than a man from Wigan driving to Magaluf? :D

Really I wonder how hard some of you are to please.

It may not be a well captured video but that looks like some of the best rain effects Ive ever seen in a racing game. The spray is awesome looking. Taking into account its on a 4 year old console however your welcome to show me better. The rain wont shouldnt effect the sense of speed and if anything it should increase the tension when playing. Certainly though those looking for faults and things worth criticising will find them.

The sounds have definately been giving a good make over as well which was badly needed...

Chill out. You start crying if anyone even comments on a video and it isn't outright praise!! There is no rule saying that if you criticise a feature/aspect of a game YOU MUST show a game running better ffs!

Too much hype is not a good thing. There used to be a guy, a long time ago, he hyped up a game. He posted weekly updates from developers. He told us about physics models. He told us interesting facts about tyre degradation and superb damage models. He got people banned from the thread/forums for dissing the game. He bought a racing seat. The game came out. He ended up spending weeks sitting in the racing seat designing decals for cars. He now criticises that game endlessly. Certainly though those looking for faults and things worth criticising will find them.

Its is normal for people to find faults in a game, especially one thats been in production as long as this. You have to understand that this is probably the first ingame footage we have seen of the finished product. We have said things about other vids but there was always the excuse of it being an older build.
Chill out. You start crying if anyone even comments on a video and it isn't outright praise!! There is no rule saying that if you criticise a feature/aspect of a game YOU MUST show a game running better ffs!

Too much hype is not a good thing. There used to be a guy, a long time ago, he hyped up a game. He posted weekly updates from developers. He told us about physics models. He told us interesting facts about tyre degradation and superb damage models. He got people banned from the thread/forums for dissing the game. He bought a racing seat. The game came out. He ended up spending weeks sitting in the racing seat designing decals for cars. He now criticises that game endlessly. Certainly though those looking for faults and things worth criticising will find them.


I wasnt crying over anything and I offered to be shown something that looked better as some were oblivious to what I was seeing. It doesnt look any slower to me. Youd think with your reply I was down your or others throats, I made a point it looked good and if anyone thinks otherwise and wants to compare it then go ahead. I guess yeah you could say the rain at the side of the window maybe doesnt seem to change much but is that a big issue or comment worth hanging onto when the visuals/audio seem so good?

Really, I come here to share an interest with others who are looking forward to this game but maybe its a waste of time. Looking at the number of responses here in the last couple of days and even in some of those its hard to see much excitment. So far weve had shadow errors, speed issues and vertical rain at side windows. Yet sorry Im the one moaning or should chill out.

Ill share my interest in GT elsewhere, in here is never going to change and it was a mistake even coming back to this thread...

It seems some are more interested in always arguing. People here enjoy being hostile.
For instance whats all the nonsense you just posted and diggin up old stuff. Did I offend you or insult you to warrant that?
Your one smart assed ******

Regards your smart historical comments.....

Yes FM2, I got hyped, learnt my lesson not to trust T10 again with FM3 though didnt I, which turned out to be a wise decision. I got nobody banned on the forums just to correct you on that. I bought a seat yes your right and I did a good review on it having been thanked many times since for it. No I didnt spend weeks designing cars however I did in all about 2 cars for myself and a couple of friends. For FM3 I did the one car again the Rothmans 959 only to find the game had the same crap panel errors as FM2 had and decided not to bother doing any others.
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Its is normal for people to find faults in a game, especially one thats been in production as long as this. You have to understand that this is probably the first ingame footage we have seen of the finished product. We have said things about other vids but there was always the excuse of it being an older build.

If i didn't know better i would have thought you were trying to bait Mr Latte
Meh, doesn't look great through the side window. Falls at the same angle, no matter the speed of the car. That might be whats killing some of the sense of speed.

Watch again it around the 1:10 mark as he goes round the corners the rain builds up and lets off on the side window depending on the angle the car is, also when overtaking once passed the spray the window starts to clear. Looks pretty realistic to me, especially the spray splashing on the screen from the other cars, oh and the auto wipers switching off in the tunnel.:D
As for the sense of speed, hard to judge when a game runs at 60FPS is shown on a 24FPS video, but looking at the barriers it looks fast enough. Sense of speed is all relative to surroundings, this is a wide open track with cars going the same speed so without slower/closer objects for you to focus on the sense of speed is different. Its like when you drive a kart around an indoor track, it always seems faster than it is because everything is so closed in, compare that to sitting on an empty motorway at night doing the NSL never looks as fast as you are going. Even watching the F1 racing from in car never looks that fast when they are racing cars going at the same speed on a large open featureless track, same view at monaco looks far faster. Quite a few arcade racers burnouts, NFS etc artificially increase the sense of speed with motion blur, field of view etc to make it look faster than it actually would be.
Rain looks impressive but there seems to be no sense of speed, they look like they are going at 20mph ffs!

Anyone got any new videos of outside of the car/chase cam view?


After the end of that video there was a link to another with a Subaru driving the same track in the rain.

The rain effect on the windscreen is nice, could be better on the side window but overall it's still impresive that they're doing what they're doing.

The chase cam though :( it looked like the car was steaming, thank god I'll not be playing in that view.

The road looked like a river in the first video, it was a good effect but didn't sit very well with the rest of the environment, it just stopped dead at the edge of the tarmac, they really need some puddles and streams to break up/blend the side of the road.
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The rain video looks very good to me, the front windscreen effect looks pretty decent, it would be nice if the rain intensity caused differing levels of effect etc (No idea if it does, I'll wait and see), but from that little clip, the windscreen rain effects are the best I've seen to date.
The side window doesn't seem right, I'd expect the air flying past the window to instantly make the rain streak sideways accross it, and the rain drops look massive, but until I play it firsthand I wouldn't want to say if it's distractingly bad, or a total non-point.

I loved F1 2010 rain effects on the camera etc, I wonder if bumper-cam etc have anything similar?

As for the speed, It looks OK to me, but I'm used to FM3 which also doesn't over amp the speed thing, I have no issues with developers going for a little bit more visceral effects for speed, as long as they don't go OTT like NFS:Shift where is was just stupid blurring/shaking etc, but something in-between may help some people.

I see some place says they have the CE in stock ready for delivery (US I believe, reported on NeoGAF).
We must be getting close to having a release date from Sony for this one by now..... What are sony going to do, just send the discs out to stores and not tell anyone?

i'm so looking forward go giving this game a go. Videos look good to me.

(it seems the site is getting hammered atm)

November 24 release date for GT5

Sony has confirmed to retailers via its official Indian distributor that Gran Turismo 5 is confirmed for a November 24 release, and since India is part of the SCEE territory, chances are that this is also the date for Europe and the Middle East. Bangalore-based retailer GameZen received the release confirmation from Milestone Interactive (the distributor) and posted the information in the vendors’ section of the IVG forums. They have since been contacted by Milestone and directed to hold off on taking orders.


This isn’t the first time the November 24 release date has been thrown around. Members with industry links on both NeoGAF and GTPlanet have also been hinting at a November 24 release date, and this latest revelation is as close to an official confirmation as we’re going to get before Sony starts sending out press releases.

14 days to go it would seem and still no word from Sony and no big advertising campaign, being that this is their biggest franchise for the Playstation brand this all seems rather silly tbh, If this date is true then surely this is one of the biggest advertising and PR failures ever in terms of a lead up to a such critical franchise?
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