Where is a good place to sell second hand guitars? I have a Washburn N4esa, that I never really play.
Who is this aimed at Xordium?
Am I wrong for owning 6 guitars but not owning an amp at all? I use sofware. Traditionally, most software sims are rubbish to be fair (read NI Guitar Rig) but since finding Scuffham S-Gear I have got rid of all the big noisy boxes and gone fully digital. Took me some time to get a computer and audio interface and Pedal Controller to get it all working silky smooth, but now I can fit it all into a guitar case and be away. I'll warrant that S-Gear beats any Line 6 or Eleven Rack, or hardware pedal board amp sim device off the cuff in terms of expression, volume and velocity control and feels like a real amp when playing (assuming you can get your latency down to >5ms). Those with the latest and greatest amplifiers I'll be interested what you think. Theres a 14 day trail available if you fancy it. Not that I'm ever going back to lugging a huge amp around...
I just came in here to ask about this. I have spent hours trying to get a decent setup using a Rocksmith USB cable to either my wife's Macbook or my own Windows laptop and it's rubbish! There is either far too much latency/weird noises/sound is too low to hear. I've tried Ampllitube, S-Gear, Bias FX, Guitar Rig and even just Reaper but I can't get anything to work properly.
I just recently sold my Fender Mustang 3 amp since it was too big for our flat and I thought I could just use Garageband on my wife's Mac but I get too much weird distortion and it doesn't sound good, or the latency is too high.
I've been looking into buying some external box to plug into the laptop. Is this what you use?
Alternatively I'll buy a Digitech pedal again, which is what I used when I first bought my guitar. It has all the effects and I can use it as a foot pedal, which I can't do with software.
The problem you have is not the software, its the hardware you are using to interface with your computer. You need a good quality and fast audio interface. I use a RME Babyface Pro. (I assume its OK linking that? OCUK don't sell them. Please remove if not.)
Its excellent, buss powered and has extremely high quality converters. The drivers are the best in the business and will achieve a stable 5ms round trip latency - that means you cannot even notice it - but its not cheap.
As an alternative, you should look at a Focusrite Scarlett 2nd generation product, starting with the 2i2. I would recommend the Scarlett 6i6 as a minimum however. Make sure you get the second generation Scarlett and it will have relatively fast drivers.
In the mean time, have a look at this video and you may be able to get better performance from the Rocksmith USB by following the tutoral and selecting the correct driver and buffer size.
Yep not clear, the presumption the notion that actual synth sounds on a guitar are in anyway 'wedding band' etc or not desirable.
Don't think I can justify £600 though, I'm rubbish!
I'm leaning towards the Digitech Element pedal since I miss being able to change settings with my foot - with the laptop I can't go from clean to distorted while playing.
but their patches/tone banks always sound like very cheap imitation - like wedding band, the tones always have that inherent and unmistakable Argos' CASIO keyboard quality (or lack thereof).
My "wedding band" comment was not targeting technology (as you mentioned we have ample examples of guitarists using midi for the greater good) or player, I'm commenting purely on tonal quality of Roland's guitar tech, from the very first guitar synth they made to the current patches. On technological level their stuff is great - I use Fender VG with Roland's tech myself - but their patches/tone banks always sound like very cheap imitation - like wedding band, the tones always have that inherent and unmistakable Argos' CASIO keyboard quality (or lack thereof).
The Focusrite 2nd gen's start at 120 quid.
For that you need a MIDI controller. I use a USB FBV shortboard mk2.
That Digitech pedal looks OK for the price to be honest. I see the XT has an expression pedal also.