The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

I've only done the first two in the arachnid wing so for, not got round to trying the others yet. I slightly modified the druid deck I've been using in ranked for a while.

if you're really struggling I know there are deck guides for each of the bosses around.
Guys, how the hell do you complete the heroic level?

Going back on what I said I decided to get them done last night. I had to net deck for Maexxna and Loatheb (couldn't be asked with experimenting myself). The others I just used my Ranking decks. Mostly Druid.

Is it ok to moan about the legendaries when you get two in a pack? :o
Guys, how the hell do you complete the heroic level?

goto google type "heroic bossname hearthstone" browse the decks people have done it with.

find one you have nearly all the cards to and hope for the best.

there's no real skill involved just gotta hope the ai gets a crap draw
goto google type "heroic bossname hearthstone" browse the decks people have done it with.

find one you have nearly all the cards to and hope for the best.

there's no real skill involved just gotta hope the ai gets a crap draw

I was going to say pff theres no skill in that.

But then the Heroic mode is a bit hit and miss.
Think about it like this, most people u are coming up against have played this game for quite a while and most likely invested some money into it. The only way for u to catch up is to do the same and put money into the game.

Or just accept that you might not win all the time and focus on learning to play around the mechanics of the game... it's just a little bit of patience...

It's supposed to feel like the only way you can compete is to spend a load of your money on the game - that's the whole business model. It's been proven that you don't though
Or just accept that you might not win all the time and focus on learning to play around the mechanics of the game... it's just a little bit of patience...

It's supposed to feel like the only way you can compete is to spend a load of your money on the game - that's the whole business model. It's been proven that you don't though

yea my deck has a crap ton of legendary cards but I still lose to people who don't seem to have a single legendary in their deck.
obviously you need to grind to a point and I hate how the only gold comes from quests or 3 wins.
should be gold from every game even if you lose like most other TGC
That pack sucks :( I guess at least it's half a decent legendary. I'd probably consider dusting the golden nourish if you don't play druid a lot too, it's not bad in some decks but it's a bit niche right now and you might get a drop in the future.
Was tempted to take the plunge and buy 40 packs... not too tempted now tbh...

I cant help but feel this game really rewards those who just plough endlessly.

Im by no means a pro at this game, I came across a card that changes the special ability to "deal 2 damage" for 2 crystals and it was an epic rarity card I believe.

I mean how is that fair compared to say Jayna's 1 damage for 2 crystals.

Am I missing something?
Was tempted to take the plunge and buy 40 packs... not too tempted now tbh...

I cant help but feel this game really rewards those who just plough endlessly.

Im by no means a pro at this game, I came across a card that changes the special ability to "deal 2 damage" for 2 crystals and it was an epic rarity card I believe.

I mean how is that fair compared to say Jayna's 1 damage for 2 crystals.

Am I missing something?

It's not OP if he plays it early on it takes up his whole turn and give u even more tempo. Priest class is all about healing so it really does not benefit the priest as much as u think it does.

It's used in very few priest decks and normally when a priest plays that card i just start hitting them in the face because they cant heal any more and win the game.

If u buy packs it's all about luck, u might get amazing packs or u might get terrible packs.

Truth is though, like WoW, it does reward grinders, not that there is anything wrong with that, but its a tough game to play as a "casual player" as a lot of the time you'll come up against people with very strong/knowlegable//OP decks.

Reminds me of Arena in WoW with my casual geared guys...ugh! :(
Shadowform is pretty much universally considered a bad card.

To do 2 damage costs 1 card and 5 mana, 4 damage 1 card and 7 mana etc. Obviously the more you manage to use it the better value it is, but early on it's a very expensive and slow way to do 2 damage.

Playing it on turn 3 means you can't do anything else that turn while your opponent plays a minion with 3HP, turn 4 you can do 2 damage and drop a 2 drop, they then kill your 2 drop and drop a 4 mana dude etc.

It also removes the priests best way of drawing cards, Northshire Cleric can give you huge amounts of card draw with the hero power, while also giving much more value from minions.

Auchenai Soul Priest is a much better way of doing damage with the priests hero ability since you can kill the minion when you want to go back to healing.

I actually played against someone who played double shadowform earlier for the first time, it was probably the easiest non-AFK win I've had :p.
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Was tempted to take the plunge and buy 40 packs... not too tempted now tbh...

I cant help but feel this game really rewards those who just plough endlessly.

Im by no means a pro at this game, I came across a card that changes the special ability to "deal 2 damage" for 2 crystals and it was an epic rarity card I believe.

I mean how is that fair compared to say Jayna's 1 damage for 2 crystals.

Am I missing something?

Yes you are, I'm sure you asked for help previously in the thread and someone provided a few links to show how effective cheap decks can be. For people wondering how far you can go without spending any money I always recommend Trump's F2P series on youtube (shaman and mage) where he managed to get to legendary rank without any legendary cards or spending a penny. While the meta may have shifted a bit you can get pretty far with most classes by just using 'value' decks that have a reasonable mana curve... You may need some dust to craft some key cards but not much at all.

Also look at a basic zoo decks and how to play them on youtube. Zoo is arguably as strong as it has ever been and is very very cheap to craft a deck which will take you far.
Auchenai Soul Priest is a much better way of doing damage with the priests hero ability since you can kill the minion when you want to go back to healing.
Auchenai Soul Priest + that 0 mana heal all minions cards is good in priest decks
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