The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Trump one of the big Hearthstone streamers wasted 2k gold on old packs last night.

so? He is equally as retarded as the rest. It isn't difficult to get it right, I literally have no sympathy for those that cannot click the pack they want before clicking purchase, Especially when its a $70 purchase.
Americans doing a great job of reinforcing the stereotype of being dumb. Maybe they really are the reason we only have 9 deck slots.

Thanks for update!

Any useful links that'll keep me/us informed please?

Just look at the BattleNet launcher. There's a Breaking News pane. They extended the maintenance from 1 hour to no ETA so I'm not expecting a fully working version this side of midnight.
Watching the videos of these streamers all trying to shift blame after buying the wrong packs is very cringeworthy indeed. :o Don't really like Kripp but his comment hits the nail!
I seem to be missing 2-3 packs worth of cards, the game failed and booted me when the pack was opened and the cards became unselectable.

A few people have reported this but then with the influx of people playing and trying to open cards straight away it doesn't surprise me something happened.

I bought 60 packs this morning and opened them all. Ended up dissing about 150 cards in the end which is nearly half of the bloody packs, how annoying. I did get 4 legendarys though which was very nice. I got Vol'jin, Neptulon, Iron Juggernaut and one I cannot remember.
so many duplicates.

i opened around 55 packs, got 2 legendaries.

i got 8 of 1 card and golden version.

9 of another card, a number of 7's. got around 2.5 dust (not including golds) so can craft some other cards if i need them.
I love the way all these new cards drop and pretty much everyone is hardly using them and just playing the same old meta cards.

They really need to look at getting a new mechanic in the game (Spare parts is not a new mechanic) because its causing cards to stagnate before they have even been released. I think the biggest issue though with this release is that most of them are just copy/paste versions of cards but for mech synergy. There is very few situational cards like we had in Nax.
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I think it's a bit more complicated than that right now and will change over time. Most people have a years worth of normal cards now which have base functionality. These decks are tried and tested, refined, into great setups.

Let's contrast that to the new set which we can crudely put into 2 groups - cards which are good standalone and cards which are good in synergy with Mech. As the majority of users only opened around... lets guess 8 packs last night, they probably only have enough cards to augment their own decks or netdeck a half complete mech setup. Would you either augment an already class A winning deck or try and mash together a standard zoo/mech?

For those who opened 60+ packs, the likelihood is that they can generate a half decent mech deck and in time the number of people who have opened 60+ decks will increase as gold continues to flow into the system. I would expect gradually that mech flavoured decks will become more common and they will likely be common in rush. There were some great mech control cards but a lot were class / epics and as such I expect to see these in the augmented ones.

I know what you guys mean when you get ridiculous trends though, In 26 packs I got 10 ogre war mauls, but with the reduced normal:rare:epic ratios this is to be expected unfortunately :( That flame lev I got last night is likely heading for the dust bin but I don't know if it's worth holding onto because it is that bad and it might get changed but there's no precedence for this, it might just be crap for life and a waste of idle dust if I leave it.
You have to remember you are more likely to get repeats as it is a much smaller collection that the classic collection.
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