The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Out of 90 packs, I got 4 legendarys (inc 1 golden which I was happy with) and enough dust to craft 2 more.

2 of those was Justicar and Varian so straight into a control warrior deck.
:D dont be sorry. you saved money

some of the cards ive found usefull, most ive found are not.

The expansion is pretty crappy. There doesn't seem to be a single card that like a must have, (ie Dr Boom), its nice that they added more dragons but feels like a missed opportunity to boost murloc, pirates, mechs a bit more, to try and get people to play decks other than hunter rush, patron or mech mage.
The expansion is pretty crappy. There doesn't seem to be a single card that like a must have, (ie Dr Boom), its nice that they added more dragons but feels like a missed opportunity to boost murloc, pirates, mechs a bit more, to try and get people to play decks other than hunter rush, patron or mech mage.

There doesn't need to be any cards that are must have, if anything they make the game worse, forcing everyone to run certain cards.
Well I bought my 3 packs XD (all I could afford with gold)... got a few bits and pieces but nothing too exciting. Got several new Shaman cards so made a new totem-deck, but the game now won't let me edit or play the deck?! It shows with a big red X across it when I try to enter play mode, and when I click the deck in my library nothing happens - anyone else had this?

Got 600 dust so I could craft a few cards (though I was saving for a legendary)... however nothing seems like a "must-have" so far... tempted by bear-trap and ram wrangler to put into my midrange hunter but can't decide
So total dust after disenchanting everything including duplicates in gold is....

8450 dust! That's 5 legendaries :)

But Im not going to spend any of it now, just wait for some kick ass decks and netdeck :D
As the dev-team, I'm sure it is very difficult to balance making new cards viable while at the same time not introducing too much power creep in to the game to make previous cards irrelevant.

Despite this, I feel that TGT has been too cautious with Inspire and Joust mechanics... I guess I can understand jousting not being too OP as everyone hates being beaten by RNG (even if the odds are stacked against you). That said, Inspire is simply to weak. In general (possibly ignoring handlock), using a hero power is so much of a tempo loss that the rewards for building a deck around it need to greater. Its a nice mechanic just don't think the cards are strong enough for constructed play.

I think Blizz have been a bit too cautious with the cards. Would love to be proved wrong and happy to eat humble pie though!
So total dust after disenchanting everything including duplicates in gold is....

8450 dust! That's 5 legendaries :)

But Im not going to spend any of it now, just wait for some kick ass decks and netdeck :D

Wow that is a serious amount of dust!! Those 5 legendaries are seriously going to boost your collection :).

For myself, I opened 72 packs last night, and got 3 legendaries - Eadric the pure (dusted immediately), Gormokk the Impaler (not sure what to do with him), and one I actually wanted, Aviana.

Then played a few games of Druid and Totem shaman.

Totem Shaman looks really strong. Shamelessly copied StrifeCro's list and it was fun. Draenai Totemcarver is awesome (way better than I thought it would be), and so is TB Valiant.

In Druid, Darnassus Aspirant felt quite weak, and I found myself strongly preferring Wild Growth over it. Savage combatant on the other hand felt very strong. Living Roots I wasn't sure how to use. The 1/1 trees dont get charge so I was very hesitant to use it that way.

Overall it did not seem there were many cards strong enough to play in constructed, but its early days yet I guess.

Got enough dust for 1 more legendary, might do TBK finally depending on what other people end up playing.
Ysera is even better now with the new dragon cards.

Dragon priest with the new dragon synergy taunt cards and Chillmaw is absolutely fantastic in the current aggro heavy meta.
Good lord that Totem Shaman... run across a few well crafted decks on the ladder which are absolutely impossible to deal with...

Tuskar Totemic seems like a great value card
Totem-golem sometimes also hard to deal with
The Totem-carver whatever it is is absoutely ridiculous
And Mukla's champion to buff the entire totem army once things are already way out of hand

I'm impressed...
Its hard to pin down how to fix patron because no one was complaining about Warsong, Frothing, or Battle Rage until this deck came about.

Heck maybe even Emporer T is the problem with it? But Emporer is not an auto include in every deck, so again its hard to justify nerfing that.
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