The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Can I add someone to spectate for the quest please :)?


Have to say I'm loving LOE expansion so far. The meta is quite good right now and challenging my only complaint is secret Pala is a dumb deck that is too strong.

Half the time at least i am unable to stop his snowball from Dr.6 and if he has Dr.7 and Tirion after its just an unwinnable match up.

The deck is far too easy to play and strong for such an easy deck.
I just hate warlocks ATM that get strong removal and minions out so quick.

When does week 3 unlock on the new adventure, I thought it was on Fri but nope, still locked when I was on earlier today.
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Do we have any OCUK Legend ranked players then?

I've never been dedicated enough to get there, settling with rank 2 etc. previously.

Managed 11 wins in Arena, but not 12 :(

No. i pretty much only play novelty dck since there's no way i can be bothered to grind up to a high rank. I play a deck until i win in spectacular fashion with it then move on. Golden Monkey at the moment, had a superb win last night.
Anyone trying do the latest unlock adventure week the one where it swaps ur deck to his? Tried making a dead weak deck but his power messes it up with okish cards and the deck I'm forced to use is terrible.
Hmm seems best way was to as I thought is to fill the deck with high cost minions.

No - your deck is slow enough that you'll get to late turns anyway and the big stuff will wreck you. The best deck for both normal and heroic Arch-Thief is 30-rare Warrior, which is 2x each of the following:

Ancient Watcher
Angry Chicken
Bloodsail Corsair
Coldlight Oracle
Coliseum Manager (Heroic Rafaam's hero power is free, so he will always use it first thing every turn and the Manager will never attack)
Cursed Blade
Dragon Egg
Mana Addict
Murloc Tidecaller
Nerubian Egg
Summoning Stone

Virtually every card in the deck is either useless against the deck you're given or trivial to deal with, so the only thing you need to worry about is what comes from his Portals. On top of that, the deck you're given contains the Rare Spear, a 1/2 weapon that gets +1/+1 every time your opponent plays a rare card. Which, as all your cards are rare, is practically every turn. Mulligan for it and you should be guaranteed a win when you get it barring extremely unlucky Portals.
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so whos using what deck at the moment?

im finding standard pre-explorer druid or pre-explorer dragon priest is working well.

ive got 2 kezans in both decks though to get rid of those pesky hunters. although ive had a few mage's rage quit on me after ive stolen their secrets. (also works well against pally)
If you google them - mine is virtually the same maybe 2 or 3 cards different depending on how much agro facing....

freeze mage is fun and I can imagine very frustrating for the opponent...
Haven't been playing much lately but Mech Mage just streaked me from 8 to 5 without much trouble.

It has a Blood Knight teched in for Paladins.
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