Anybody got any tips on a decent legendary to craft? Have built up enough dust but not really been playing enough to know what's good these days...
as Jas said, Dr.Boom if you havent already got him. he is an auto include in every deck. what decks do you like playing?
Although I'm having quite a lot of fun with Malygos with my tempo mage
I also run kezan and mulligan for it when i'm playing pallys. I've only had anyfin beat me once so far.
Still facing agressive warrior decks going for a quick kill to face but I can usually get to turn 7 with sludge and then it's easy.
I'd say my win rate is 55% at the moment thing is if you don't play facehunter games take ages seen many games use all 30 cards with famous Reno appearing at the end when no cards are left
At 18 (*)( ) ( )
agressive mage decks seem to be what i face most. i do auto include kezan in all my decks now too. so many secrets are played, so nice to steal them.
decided to have a go with reno warlock. seems to be working well.