some guy just gave a stealthed tiger thing taunt thinking it would stop me attacking his avatar thing lol
Got Mukla from the pack I opened this morning before work. Tantalizingly, I'm at 1200 dust so I could DE and craft something else or keep him and wait just a little longer.
Decisions decisions..
How much do people think naxx will be? I've accumulated 1300g through a few decent runs and resisted packs because I've hit the plateau of most packs are dust etc... I'd like to do all the wings but I'm sorta guessing on 500g / wing. Anyone else think it will be around this?
anyone playing this on the ipad. it plays really well and suits the tablets.
Yep. Each wing will definitely be in the 500 -1000 Gold bracket. IMO it makes no sense for the price to be outside this range.
I also plateaued Arena like you and have been saving Gold for the new cards. Currently ~ 2400 Gold.
Well of my last 5 packs I've had 2 cards I needed (as in, i didn't already have 2 of them) sorta plateau. I have most decent rares, a higher end selection of epics/legendaries and can make a selection of mid/early decks but am missing the extreme late game deck legendaries... but that's not quite so easy to fix as we all know I dont mind paying for the game but tbh I've played so much now that I know an investment of say, 40 packs is really going to only give me a LOT of dust, a few rares/epics/maybe a legendary. It feels like early investment in the game is the place to do it if you plan to buy packs but as I'm already there, i'll sit on my money for a bit
I am resisting dusting the crap (hello farsight) on the off chance it ever becomes niche / I can dust it for full value due to a change on the card.
anyone playing this on the ipad. it plays really well and suits the tablets.