But then you will just walk all over me
Can anyone give a basic explanation of how to build up good decks? From a quick glance it either involves spending decent amounts of money or grinding out 100s of games.
Also when is the Android version out does anybody know?
great PR for Apple
we have 2 IPADs for the kids - but as a Hearthstone fan tempted with a Mini now for Hearthstone on the hoof when away with work etc
Would be very interested to hear how it is on the mini. Been considering getting one, but Hearthstone makes me want to get the full ipad.
Honestly the best thing you can do is copy some current archetypes and play them. This will give you insight into what works and why and what doesn't work, etc. You can adjust these decks by a few cards to suit your play style or whatever. You will not have everything you need at the beginning even for budget decks. You will need to craft some specific Rares.
No you do not need spend loads of money. These 2 decks are probably the strongest and most dominant on the ladder this week and are also very cheap to create.
[Budget] Reynad's Zoo V2 - Warlock Aggro
Kolento Rank 1 NA Hunter Deck (Swap Mukla for Ironfur Grizzly)
Would be very interested to hear how it is on the mini. Been considering getting one, but Hearthstone makes me want to get the full ipad.
Demolisher? yeah 'At start of turn...' mechanics proc before card draw. Just wait until everyone is playing Deathrattles!
Plays very well on the Mini, for both size and speed (1st gen too).
Been playing a hilarious Rogue deck, 6 minions 24 spells. Buffing a Mana Addict to 20+ dmg in one turn. When you get the right card draw it's unstoppable
Not too difficult on the eyesight?
Yeah, until they kill the mana addict the round before, then you lose because your deck is all about them not killing that card