The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Worst gold card ever?


you could have a gold erm, yeah your right.
Late reply missed your first post. What rank have you taken this too? It's a lot like Xixo's miracle rogue he was first to reach legend this season. I initially took it to rank 11 at the start of the season but didn't find it consistent enough.

I haven't been playing Miracle for a while but I found this deck more consistent:


You could swap the second conceal for something else like a second shiv or van cleef. You rarely need more than one conceal but having two makes it more likely you will at least draw into one of them. I found the perdition blade really useful, especially against aggro decks it's like having a third Si:7 and combos well with deadly poison.

I'm at rank 5 and have no plans to try and go any further tbh. Still want to change something in my deck and i'm not sure what it is yet, tempted to try assassins blade in it and maybe take out a drake or something as 9/10 times i summon a drake it dies before i even get use out of it where as the assassins blade cant be destroyed so easily.

Edit - Ok took out 2 earthen ring farseer and put an extra sap and an assassins blade in going to try this deck out against some friends and see how it holds up.
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I finally managed to get some decent playtime in this month, and have so far made it to rank 7 with a Shaman deck. My warrior one is no longer good enough.

Ranks 12-7 have just been all zoo or miracle rogue so far, occasionally Druid.

He didn't beat me fairly. Used gimmick deck. Seems abusive to me.

Murray I am not sure where you are coming from with the "gimmick" argument - there are good decks and bad decks in this game, but they are all valid to play with.

Perhaps if you described for us what he used, we can help you with advice to beat him :)
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lol how can gimmick decks be abusive ? That's the whole fun part of playing card games like this, is building decks which synergize and can come up with some crazy fun plays. Of course these sorts of decks don't always pan out well if you get unlucky on draws etc..

One could argue decks like handloc, miracle rogue, zoo etc are "gimmick" decks and yet are still considered valid decks to play. Its all down you your personal play style. I prefer control type decks but I certainly don't hold anything against aggro decks its just a different style of play.

Still unsure if I should start using my coins to play some arena or just flat out buy some packs.... that or just keep it and see how much naxx wings cost in coins. I don't really need anymore cards apart from a couple of legendaries I want and if I'm honest I'm not very good at arena and don't really enjoy it that much.
I'm stuck in rank 4 hell lol. Started the day off at 4-1, switched to shaman 4 win streaked to 4-5 one away from rank 3, then lost 3 in a row to 4-2 and now back at 4-3.
Well i just got my arse handed to me by redrum. Made a druid deck that relies on survival and drawing the opponent out of cards. Never won a game.
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