The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

I think its far to strong, add this into lock zoo decks and they can block you being able to clear the deck and have a chance to win.

Rush and Agro decks are going to get worse :(
Rush and Aggro? Na, this guy does no direct/indirect damage the turn he comes out.
It's Blizzards anti-combo card. (Warlocks can't soulfire + play a minion, no turn 5/6 auctioneer, no FoN/roar etc)

He'll go nicely in my battlecry bounce gimmick deck :D
Gadgetzan + conceal becomes useless, pretty much kills miracle decks.

So far I feel aggro decks will benefit the most from Naxx :(
I'm doing ok now with my starter decks + contents from maybe 12 packs, but god, every time i look into things in more detail I just get totally confused :(
Guys feel free to add me if you fancy a couple of games, rank 7 so far with Control Druid but all those Zoolocks seems to rush me down before i can get the taunts down.

Rush and Aggro? Na, this guy does no direct/indirect damage the turn he comes out.
It's Blizzards anti-combo card. (Warlocks can't soulfire + play a minion, no turn 5/6 auctioneer, no FoN/roar etc)

He'll go nicely in my battlecry bounce gimmick deck :D

Scene players like Jotto already agree, Zoo Locks are the lease effected of all deck builds in the meta just now due to the protection that this card gives to their board on turn 4 or 5.

This makes it very hard for other classes to be able to keep up with the swarm effect from the deck.

I understand why this card had been introduced, but 5/5 for 5 mana with 5+ to spells make this near impossible to deal with on the board with a single minion.

You are talking about needing two charge minions or one and a good weapon, as Jotto says this needs nerfed to say a 5/4 or possible the mana increase cost dropped a bit do that a class can deal with it as well as the block it puts on removal. It has such a pace and tempo effect that I can see being cried about very fast when we see it in wing three.
It's going to be in every single deck like Sylavannas was, it gives far to much value for the mana cost. Even if u manage to take it out the next turn (which is very hard considering it's a 5 hp minion) You cant cast any spells literally the next turn it is just a crazy card and the problem is it benefit's zoo lock the most which is the cancer of ladder.

It will be nerfed no doubt about that it is just far to strong in every single way.
Anti Zoo, Naxx deck must:
Echoing Ooze

Q> I'm wondering if buffing the ooze will summon another buffed one every turn. Given it's ability is a battle cry, that might mean it's locked in to just summoning a 1/2, or maybe not.

A>It will copy the Ooze as it is at the end of turn. - Aratil

lolwut pretty sure from the description it only summons a copy on the turn it battle cries though but still could be stupidly op with the right buffs
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I for see some nasty Druid and Paladin decks from this :D

Paladin, turn 2, coin into a Sword of Justice
Paladin, turn 3, Echoing Ooze, Sword triggers, buff to 2/3, Blessing of Might, now 5/3, end turn, second Echoing Ooze created, Sword triggers again to buff your second Echoing Ooze to 6/4 leave you with a pair of Echoing Oozes at 5/3 and 6/4 going into your opponents turn 4 :D:D:D
Depends how the meta goes, in that example you'd have to be against a slow deck otherwise even with that play you're going to get your face pushed in. The magic immune card is the one im most looking forward to - 4/6 is a tough cookie to remove.
Echoing Ooze

Q> I'm wondering if buffing the ooze will summon another buffed one every turn. Given it's ability is a battle cry, that might mean it's locked in to just summoning a 1/2, or maybe not.

A>It will copy the Ooze as it is at the end of turn. - Aratil

lolwut pretty sure from the description it only summons a copy on the turn it battle cries though but still could be stupidly op with the right buffs

As it's a battle cry it will only copy itself once. (Battlecries are only effective when played from hand).

Definitely some interesting options for buffing though. Druid could mark of the wild for 2 * 3/4s w/ taunt for 4 mana.
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