The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Wing finished on normal. After the game being very slow during the Mex fight, it timed out at the end. Haven't been able to log back in to check it credited me with the win.

The bosses look like they can have more than 2 of one card or my understanding of the hunter class card is wrong.
So in Nax, presumably its 1 player (i.e. not against other players).

Im sure the answer is obvious but why does it need to be connected to the server for every move you make?
Nuked the first boss with a Druid token buff deck with ease but I then disconnected from the server :(

This kind of blows, blizzard are so bad at keeping servers up at major releases. This harks back to the old days of WoW where the login and game servers were no cope :(
Nuked the first boss with a Druid token buff deck with ease but I then disconnected from the server :(

This kind of blows, blizzard are so bad at keeping servers up at major releases. This harks back to the old days of WoW where the login and game servers were no cope :(

I beat the first boss easily with my war deck ages ago but after the game it timed out and I've not been able to get past the loading screen since..

I'll try again once all the kids are in bed
If anyone remembers when WoW first started they had a riot on their hands on the forums, they ended up crediting 1 or 2 days of play and the CEO of Blizzard put up a response.

They have got better since then but yet AGAIN a very popular game they make cant handle its load from its player base, I shudder to think how much they have gained from just HS since it became accessible in beta.

Yet still crappy server structures.

Also I've completed the Druid class quest, note its a random deck against Grand Widow Faerlina. remember dump your deck asap so she doesnt fire your ass each turn with her hero ability.

Just waiting for it to come back up to do the Rogue class quest and then onto the Heroics :D
Typical Blizzard, why am i not surprised since i'm playing Blizzard games for 7 years now? I thought they really got their act together with launch day server issues but doesn't look like they have learned a thing by now.

Probably rushed the release if i had to take a shot in the dark and realised they didn't have all their angles covered when it was to late.
Cleared all the bosses and class challenges, used amaz priest deck on Anub and zoo for the last two since the chick will nuke you down if you have a lot of cards left so control is out of the question and the spider will just send stompy minions back to your hand.
Yeah Heroics don't seem that bad, I'm set to use a Handlock for the first one and zoo/charge for the last two due to them preferring to use the hero ability firstly.

I think the AI might get tweaked or it might be that its set a bit easier for this wing as it wasn't really massively challenging lol
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