That's excellent.
I've been in the middle of recording a 3 track demo for about 4 months now. The joys of trying to fit this stuff around a day job and family. It's instrumental guitar type stuff and i'm pretty much a one man band, so it's slow work. I have one piece fully tracked and ready to mix, one half done and one barely started. I have zero experience in mixing and mastering though, so that's going to be a learning curve. Enjoying the whole process though, and quite pleased with the actual music.
I've been in the middle of recording a 3 track demo for about 4 months now. The joys of trying to fit this stuff around a day job and family. It's instrumental guitar type stuff and i'm pretty much a one man band, so it's slow work. I have one piece fully tracked and ready to mix, one half done and one barely started. I have zero experience in mixing and mastering though, so that's going to be a learning curve. Enjoying the whole process though, and quite pleased with the actual music.