The Official "How Much I Earn/What Job I Do" Information Thread

Age: 28
Salary: N/A
Job: Quit my job last week as police officer with 12 of my colleagues due to government cuts. Basically exspected us to take pay cuts we told them to get lost
Education: Level 5
Hrs per week: N/A
You'll find quite a few being generous with the truth, ask them to post their non shopped pay cheques and this thread would get quiet fast.

It depends, the salaries being quoted seem reasonable.

Don't forget some of us are quite old now, and it's not unreasonable to expect a 6 figure salary if you are good at your job and approaching your should be sufficiently rewarded for extensive experience (for which there is no substitute).
I'm on the cusp of a complete occupational and educational change. I will be, by the end of this year (interracial notice has been given), leaving full time commercial employment and joining the vastly underpaid world of academia.

Years of p/t study finally pays off. I'm pooing myself if I'm honest though....
You'll find quite a few being generous with the truth, ask them to post their non shopped pay cheques and this thread would get quiet fast.

I would be quite happy to upload my P60, but I don't think that is the point of this thread.

As it has been said earlier this is a computer forum so it's reasonable to assume that there is a larger portion of educated people on here therefore you would expect higher than average wages. It's not as if 90% of people have said they have 80k+ jobs, sure some will exaggerate but who cares.
Just curious, what did you dislike about it? The weather?? ;):D

The people (miserable, gossiping, nosy, intolerable (irony much?) and just not very pleasant), the city (dirty, crampt, ugly), the lack of things to do, the fact that everyone knows everyone and their business and just the smallness of it.

Perhaps it's got something to do with hating the place you grew up, but I really dislike the place. But if I could get into the O&G sector in a sales role, I would happily move back. Go figure?
Age: 22-25
Salary: 25k
Job: Production Engineer (Electronics manufacturing)
Education: Level 6
Hours worked: 37hrs contract, ~39 at present with OT.
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