***The Official HTC One Thread***

Still don't get why people get so upset with issues when they buy a brand new product though, it is to be expected tbph

It is, but it shouldn't be. You don't get a discount for being shipped a buggy product so you should be able to expect the same user experience as somebody who buys it 6 months later.

Attitudes like yours are what the manufacturers rely on to ship buggy products and basically get the customers to be paying beta testers for them.
Mine is going back. The build quality is pretty bad. All of the ports are roughly cut and there are gaps between the metal and plastic casing.

Read further on........

(yes it shouldn't happen at all especially considering the cost), look at the iphone 5, nexus 4, galaxy S3/S, one S/X, nexus 7 etc. and the issues they had when first released, just return the device and wait for new batches, if you like the device for certain reasons i.e. the one for its front speakers, design, build etc. then wait it out (and it shouldn't be much longer with new batches supposedly coming in this month), why go for a different phone if it doesn't have what you really like about the one?

If you have a problem like dead pixels, the gap, or whatever other issue then you have every right to return and get another one or get another device or your money back, isn't that why we have warranty etc. for pretty much everything.......

It is not like you are having to pay to get your device fixed or having to go completely out of your way to get a new one, money returned etc.

This is always the case, problems with first batches because they rush them out and skimp on QC and besides not every one always has problems (don't forget, you mostly get all the bad/negative points on the internet, hardly ever the good stuff i.e. robbo (amongst others) with his one X, from the very first batch, no problems to this day, me (amongst others) and my one S from the very first batch, no problems to this day either and same goes for every other device)

Not 100% sure but I think I have only seen 2-3 people who seem to have problems with their HTC one in this thread so far.

If you take the attitude "I won't be buying this device due to QC/build issues" from the first/initial reports of a brand new device then you won't be buying anything at all, ever! :p

HTC got the issues with the X and S sorted out pretty quickly in the end, iirc about 2 months, which is quicker than most other companies efforts, have apple even addressed the chipping problems on the iphone 5 yet? Then look at how long it too for Samsung to fix the sudden death issue etc.

My point is, you just have to deal with it whether you like it or not (again, yes it is not ideal but what can you do when every company has problems with build issues in their first batches?), it is simply the price you pay to be an early adopter.
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What phone have you come from to not be impressed by it? And what do you mean 3 dots button?!?
Come from the One X...

I've had little more time with it now:

Phone looks better than my One X.
Camera is definitely better in low light, and by low light I mean indoors in the daytime.
Screen is obviously higher resolution and you can see this in games more than anything.
The speakers are amazing, better than the speakers on my Nexus 10.

The silver finish on the back and on the speaker grills really shows up any kind of dirt/smudges.
Screen is not as colourful as contrasty as the one x.
The power button is just stupid, maybe I'll get used to it but because it's flush with the top it's difficult to press.
3 dots menu button.
On a hard flat surface vibration notifications buzz something rotten

I guess there's just no wow factor for me. In general operation I'm not finding it any faster really. Considering getting an S4...
yeah its not like we should expect in this day and age to buy something and for it to just work :) we are beta testers for the first 4-6months yeah?

so the hassle of sending something back, having to bother my self with backup phones and stuff, paying my money to send it in the first place(even if the postage is refunded petrol/bus/time etc won't be) and in your opinion this is ok? this is what we should expect?

im not sure how your head works but personally i think you need a breath of fresh air! its like we all are meant to bend over and take it!

not something i expect to happen when the build quality is the thing HTC brag about non stop.. not something i expect to have(gaps, not working buttons etc) after paying 500 quid.

do you expect your new car to now have round wheels when it gets released? stupid stupid view you have nexus.
Ah your typical stupid view point is always welcome grudas :)

Have you forgotten about every other device that has come out and its issues then?


What about all the issues that Samsung devices have which always seem to be related to security, oh and not to mention sudden death issue on the GS 3, note II........

I take it you have the same view point on all of those devices as well then? Just in case you forgot about them with your short term memory:

- iphone 4, 4s and 5
- htc one S, X
- galaxy s 1, 2, 3
- nexus 4, galaxy nexus, nexus 7
-xperia z


Correct me if I am wrong but the HTC one performs the tasks that we require? No? the phone still functions, it still makes calls, sends text etc.

Again I said it shouldn't be like this but to make it out like this is something new is utterly stupid and even stupider if it puts you of a device since 90% of devices when first released are the same

Can you not understand that either?

Go and educate yourself further about how this stuff works and read about other device problems, the QC process etc. :)

BTW this isn't just about the HTC one but every device in case you don't figure that out either.......
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Ah your typical stupid view point is always welcome grudas :)

Have you forgotten about every other device that comes out and has issues then?


What about all the issues that Samsung devices have which always seem to be related to security, oh and not to mention sudden death issue on the GS 3, note II........

I take it you have the same view point on all of those devices as well then? Just in case you forgot about them with your short term memory:

- iphone 4, 4s and 5
- htc one S, X
- galaxy s 1, 2, 3
- nexus 4, galaxy nexus, nexus 7


Correct me if I am wrong but the HTC one performs the tasks that we require? No? the phone still functions, it still makes calls, sends text etc.

Again I said it shouldn't be like this but to make it out like this is something new is utterly stupid and even stupider if it puts you of a device since 90% of devices when first released are the same

Can you not understand that either?

Go and educate yourself further about how this stuff works and read about other device problems, the QC process etc. :)

BTW this isn't just about the HTC one but every device in case you don't figure that out either.......

you missed my point again you nub.. why are you spilling out the beans about samsung? s4 is not out yet :) and yesterday i mentioned in one of the threads that its better to wait for it to be released to see what QC issues it has.. i know each phone has them but your view of "yeah its ok i pay 500 quid and i mean its cool if my phone doesn't work and i have to send it 2-4 times to get a working one" is STUPID. cry me a river, mention samsung or which ever other make you want this won't change my opinion that this is not RIGHT..

feel free to respond with reviews, twitter quotes, articles on note2, s3, iphone etc failing :) just so it makes you happier.. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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I find it weird you guys have apparent build quality issues. I'm not sure if some of you just have ridiculously high standards or if you genuinely have badly built devices, but I've just studied mine top to bottom and there is simply nothing I can fault it for build wise. It's awesome.

Also, this is not a phone you upgrade to from the Galaxy S3 generation of phones and expect to be wow'd by. If you are doing that, expect to be disappointed. Don't get me wrong, epic phone. Feels absolutely brilliant in hand (and I never was *that* bothered by build quality), the screen is so nice and it is quick as you like, but phones from now on are starting to plateau out in terms of power etc. I remember when I upgraded my HTC Desire to a Galaxy S2 and being blown away at the difference - however that won't happen anymore. Anyone upgrading from an S3 to an S4 will be disappointed, same as someone upgrading from the One X to the One.

I've upgraded from a 2 generation old phone (Galaxy S2) and still the jump isn't the same as when I went from a HTC Desire to Galaxy S2 (1 generation jump), since my S2 was still very good. I think to get that wow factor back when upgrading people will have to start upgrading from 3 generation old phones to new ones.
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So you think the GS 4 will be different to every other device?

Yes it could have no problems, but lets look at the facts that if their previous devices have had problems, the iphone and pretty much every other device has had problems with the first batch then chances are the gs 4 could have problems......

Will people slam the gs 4 if it has issues just like there are with the one, I doubt it.......

Again did I say say that it was ok to have build issues? no.

I have said that it shouldn't ever have issues especially considering the cost.

Try to understand the point of my post.....

I am asking, what is the problem? why let it put you of a device when it is most likely issues with the first batch which will be sorted out just like every other phone, the people who bought the phone straight away should have known that they were taking a risk being an early adopter and could expect there to be problems and now they are put of the one and will then go and get another device i.e. the gs 4 only for it to most likely happen again since they will be an early adopter.....

I never said to keep returning the device and getting another one as that is just stupid since you will be getting a device from the same batch, best thing to do is to return and get your money back like stoosh, wait for the gs 4 see what issues it has and see if the one's problems are fixed.

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My One has had one or two little pieces in the ports where it has been roughly cut, but they've been removed no bother at all. Apart from those, i cannot fault it for build quality.

But these quality issues shouldn't be as common as they are. I do agree though, if the iPhone has a few problems, there will be some to defend it or attack it, but it can be the same for any other product.
Considering getting an S4...

If you aren't impressed/wow'd with the one, I don't think you will be impressed with the GS 4 either :p

The one X is a fantastic handset with jellybean and sense V4+ running on it.

I find it weird you guys have apparent build quality issues. I'm not sure if some of you just have ridiculously high standards or if you genuinely have badly built devices, but I've just studied mine top to bottom and there is simply nothing I can fault it for build wise. It's awesome.

It just comes down to luck with the device you get. Some will be unlucky and some won't i.e. uvaru, stoosh etc.

Most reviews didn't mention about it, either they didn't have those problems or just didn't bother to report it.

brian mentioned about it in his review:

The only place there’s some fit and finish weakness is in the top and bottom front facing aluminum pieces, which aren’t part of the CNC machining that the rest of the chassis undergoes. Instead I suspect these are adhered onto the rest of the phone after the display, PCB, and battery are inserted into the back case. The result is that there is unfortunately a small gap between where those parts come together, but we’re talking about a tiny, tiny gap.

Personally a gap (as long as it isn't huge) would not annoy me at all, I think I can live with a wee gap on the top of the phone especially since the rest of the build/design etc. makes up for it, pretty much every site and user has ranted and raved about how the phone actually feels in the hand (mostly saying it is the best to date), much rather have a tiny gap than glossy plastic finish :p, buttons not responding all the time would annoy me though and I certainly wouldn't put up with that. There are certain things that I could live with and other things that I couldn't i.e. nexus 7 and screen lift, couldn't care less about it as long as the screen itself works perfectly fine where as if my one S was chipping by itself, no way likewise for the one X and its problems i.e. screen flex, wifi issue etc.


Tom D would have a field day with this device though! :D
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I don't think Klug's sample pictures looked that great. Seems very good overall though, he definitely likes it - a lot. :(

Also, I don't care who is at fault for the menu button, just that it's there - which is terrible.

I'm not 'upset' about the issues, I just wanted to get one and I know that when I'm looking to buy, the GS4 will likely be out and despite the 'nasty plastic', it'll probably be better. :(

I'm sure that the camera will be good enough (for me at least), but I completely refuse to buy a phone with such a flawed menu system. It annoyed me immensely on the One X and it'll annoy me on this. If Google are to blame then that's even worse as it means they may not be able to fix it.

I want an easy decision, I'm not unhappy with the iPhone 5 at the moment either, the only thing I really want is the screen, but then it's more fiddly to use in one hand (but it's worth it :p)!

Google to fix what? Its up to the developers who made the android apps to fix it, not google.

Google introduced a "standard" design for ICS and above and its up to devs to implement that standard.

Get the S4 then if the menu system annoys you or stick with your iphone 5. easy decision
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