***The Official HTC One Thread***

Why go by bad results when it is obviously a "problem"? If your results are as bad as some that we have been seeing, don't keep the phone, you simply return it and get another one, rinse and repeat just like you would do with any "faulty" equipment or at least wait for HTC to acknowledge what is going on (tbh they should have made an announcement about it by now)


The Z seems to have very variable results too as has been shown, in android centrals comparison to the one, they looked awful where as the one looked much better (had way more detail), where as on other reviews, they look good and in some beat the one i.e. gsmarenas test. Also, we have no idea about the GS 4 yet (and in the one comparison that I have seen between it and the one, the one looked better overall)

Well you aren't going to be buying anything till the GS 4 is out, which won't be till middle of April? And you might not even do anything till you see the X phone, KLP, which will be in May, so there is plenty of time to see what is happening with the camera.

So far HTC have confirmed about there being a bug with the ISO not being set correctly and will be fixing it with a software update.

GS 4 will beat the one no matter what when it comes to popularity/sales, the one is being praised in everything so far aside from the camera really. Shame as I really don't think the GS 4 will beat this phone overall (SD slot etc. is personal preference)
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GS 4 will beat the one no matter what when it comes to popularity/sales.

Yes, but by how much? It'd be nice if it was 60/40 this time instead of 99/1. :p

Unfortunately the negative vibes around the camera and battery life (even though this seems totally baseless) seem to have spread and that's done a lot of damage to HTC in the past. :(

I certainly think if I bought one of these I'd be left with the same kind of disappointed feeling I had once getting the One X had worn off. Much like what happened with Stoosh, he's in no hurry to get a replacement as I think that ultimately he believes something better is around the corner (could be the GS4, we'll see).

Any negative press Samsung get is usually crushed by the marketing machine, same with Apple!
Well they have upped their marketing/advertising by quite a bit and if they keep it up I would say 80/20 :p

I have only seen one "bad" review about battery life and that was the verge in which their test was awful, possibly the worse I have seen, a few have said it is average and others have said it very good and in gsmarena's test it matches/beats the note II in a few areas (and a german review put it up there with the iphone 5, note ii etc.):


and then going by the user opinions here and on XDA it is looking exceptionally good! i.e.


As I posted earlier on, there seems to be different displays, so the higher the brightness level = more battery life consumed

The camera certainly has caused a lot of disappointment, no doubt about that, it is largely due to HTC though, they hyped it up so much and whilst on paper it should be producing amazing results overall, they messed up in QC/hardware issue or/and software and so people are even more disappointed.

Correct me if I am wrong but is the main reason that he is returning it and waiting for a bit not largely due to QC stuff, camera issues :p

The way I look at the GS 4 VS one* is if SD slot, removable battery (and MP) isn't important I don't see any reason to get a gs 4 over the "one". There are unique selling points of the one and of the GS4, really comes down to preference and what is more important in the end. Only reason I would consider it is for the bigger SAMOLED screen

*excluding camera as there aren't many samples from the gs 4 and the one has problems/is too variable and excluding battery life since we have no idea as to if the chip is really as PE as Samsung make it out to be [could end up being like the camera situation with htc and the one :p] and plus UK isn't getting the exynos octa chipset anyway so there will probably be very little difference


The important thing is that HTC seem to have "wowed" pretty much everyone, I haven't seen any review site be disappointed with much, if anything at all really aside from the camera, with the one S/X etc. they found niggles or where disappointed with more than just one important thing i.e. X = performance, battery, audio S = storage, screen, most of them even like sense V5 overall! :eek:
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gs4 also has wireless charging.

I've had htc since the desire but im looking at the gs4 at the moment. a lot of its more showy features i'm not bothered about but sd card, removable battery, wireless charging are swinging it in favour of the htc. its a shame because the ONE looks beautiful and an excellent phone if they can get over the QC issues that seem to be cropping up.
I personally think wireless charging is pretty pointless:

1. supposedly it takes forever to charge
2. you still have to place it on a wired pad, I want to see true wireless charging! :p (there was an article on this a few years ago and supposedly HTC were to be the first to use it)
3. it's not like it is such a hassle to plug in a USB lead :p
4. the wireless charging orbs always take forever to actually come out, at least 5-6 months, nexus 4 orb only came out like a month or two ago, lumia 920 pad only came out like 3-4 months ago and the GS 3 not much longer than it, no idea about the note II
5. expensive for what it is
I'm looking to pick one of these up as soon as possible. What are the best deals people have seen?

Ideally want more than 1gb data so was going to choose 3 until I noticed they don't allow tethering. As far as I can tell its the same on tmobile? I use tethering a lot with my tablet so to not being able to tether is not an option.

Is tethering still allowed on most carriers with data limits?

I'm on three and tether my n7 to n4 frequently, my bathroom has no/limited wifi, I'm not on the one plan
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920 had charging pillows from launch I'm sure. The whole thing is a bit gimmicky though and less efficient so pretty wasteful really, rather just use a cable.
What plan are you on? I have heard of people with minimal usage flying under the radar but I would be streaming video and downloading apps on train journeys.

Ah I only browse in the bathroom for shortish times, my plan no longer exists you used to be able to up your data to unltd for £3 then £5 and you could get 300 min.
Nexus18 them tutorial videos are great, i have had a HTC One for a week now and didn't realise half of that stuff.

Now I don't know all the technical ins and outs however, I see Nexus18 trying to defend this device somewhat so thought I might chip in as a owner of this device.....(or previous owner......long story)

With regards to the GS4, yes this will become the biggest selling phone etc but not all for the right reasons. They are going the way of Apple. Eye scrolling or whatever its called, smart pausing, Octo core cpu. Just bumps in spec and a couple of little gimmicks thrown in.

HTC dared do something different, the speakers are great and I mean great for a phone, it's fast enough to run everything comfortably and more. The screen is fantastic, it can be seen in bright sunlight, something the iPhone was top dog at, I could not see my GS3 in the daylight properly, sure if I put the brightness up to 100% I could....just. It works perfectly when connecting to my parrot car kit something that my iPhone 5 never could do properly and apparently the parrot was 'Made for iPhone'. BS.

When it comes to battery life the iPhone 5 for me is the best in this category, reason being I barely used it for anything other than calls and texts as it's so boring, hence no on screen time. With the HTC One I just wanted it on all the time, doing lots of 'nothing' if i'm honest, it's an amazing device that I wanted to see on. I want to use it all the time. The GS3 was the same. Hence poor battery life.

The camera is a worry for most people, I have only used it a few times and I have to say it's absolutely perfect in everyway and can only get better. If i was going somewhere that I wanted to get professional quality photos I would take my DSLR and not use my phone. Do we really care if the bushes in the background are a little more blurry that the iPhone5 or GS3 when taking the same picture? Pixel Peeping I think they call that.
Someone asked for a video shot on my HTC One with lots of noise. I have a video of my daughters choir singing. I got the landscape portrait thing all messed up but can upload to dropbox so you can see it if you wannt. Just let me know. It's a couple of hundred mb I believe.

The HTC One is the best phone I have ever owned, and I have owned practically all the flagship phones. I know this is only my opinion, but I hope it helps. I don't want to annoy anyone etc but until you use it and get to know it the HTC One is a fantastic phone and without a doubt a worthy contender for phone of the year.

Let the flaming begin......
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I doubt you'll get flamed because I don't think anyone is "against" the phone really, in fact I think most people seem to like it. It's just that some people are disappointed in certain aspects, be it the camera or removable storage etc.

A lot of my photos are spontaneous so I'm not always carrying a dedicated camera; therefore having any sort of blurriness in photos isn't great and I like to minimise that as much as possible. Obviously there's always the caveat of it being taken by a phone but I still want the picture to come out respectable and be as clear as possible.
What an odd post. You've taken an extremely defensive stance when there is no need to do so... :confused:

Not sure it was defensive just an opinion really and from someone that has owned the device and not another person just talking from reading reviews. Just trying to offer some 'real experience' as opposed to speculation. Some comparison with regards to why battery life might not seem as good etc. nothing defensive really. If we could take bits of iPhone, HTc and Samsung we would have the best device ever. However for now the most complete package of all of those is the HTC One I believe.
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I am getting a new phone in the next couple of weeks. I am upgrading from a HTC HD2, so basically anything will be a huge improvement. Thinking of either HTC One, Samsung IV or Iphone 5. At the moment, leaning towards the HTC One.

A few questions to the forum wizards (and excuse my ignorance, not up to date with current phone tec at all):

(1) The combination of Windows and Sense on the HTC HD2 was pretty awful. Is Sense still there on the HTC One and, if so, is it really integrated now?

(2) Is there any real difference between the three options above in terms of using the phone as an organizer for all things related to efficiency (i.e., calender, mail integration, cloud syncing etc.), or is this all down to apps?

(3) I plan on going with Three and the one plan. Have you guys got experience with Three and how they deal with returning a phone (within the specified limit) just because you didn't like it? I mean, it that whole procedure hazzle free or do they tend to 'put up a struggle'?

1. Yes sense is still on the one.

It has vastly improved and is much much much better than the sense/windows version on HD 2, can see here what sense V5 on android is like:


It is their lightest version to date and imo the best oem skin by quite a bit overall.

Plus being android, if you don't like it, you can customise it to whatever you want with 3rd party apps.

2. Android (GS 4 and one are the same) and iOS will achieve those tasks perfectly well, sense has one of the best email apps when it comes to OEM skins (not sure about iOS, but I imagine it will have a good email app), if you have gmail account, use the gmail app though.

You can also get apps from the android market to do all of that if you aren't satisfied with the out of the box way.

for cloud syncing, you can use apps like dropbox, you have google play music for streaming your music collection etc. etc.

for iphone you have itunes and dropbox etc. as well.

3. that comes down to your area, they are terrible for my area and awful to cancel a contract and I mean terrible, will say anything to get you to stay and do whatever possible to make you give up in cancelling a contract etc. but if you return it within the time period (I think 14days, however, not sure what happens if you activate the sim/contract.....) you should be fine, someone else will need to confirm this.
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Can anyone recommend a good screen protector? Also any case recommendations? I was going to get the official cases but ive since changed my mind.
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Can anyone recommend a good screen protector? Also any case recommendations? I was going to get the official cases but ive since changed my mind.

Are the edges of the glass curved if so wait for a Spigen curved crystal sp, I got some for my son's S3 but didn't apply because we used liquid armor instead, got it on my other lads Note and my N4 too, which I think is ace though I know many here about don't trust chemical surface hardening and think liquid armor is a con.
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