I personally think wireless charging is pretty pointless:
1. supposedly it takes forever to charge
2. you still have to place it on a wired pad, I want to see true wireless charging!(there was an article on this a few years ago and supposedly HTC were to be the first to use it)
3. it's not like it is such a hassle to plug in a USB lead
4. the wireless charging orbs always take forever to actually come out, at least 5-6 months, nexus 4 orb only came out like a month or two ago, lumia 920 pad only came out like 3-4 months ago and the GS 3 not much longer than it, no idea about the note II
5. expensive for what it is
The wireless charger on the 920 was great, didn't take any longer to charge up and it was nice just dropping it on a pad rather than messing about plugging in the cable, specially at night although I not got one on the DNA yet not bothered so maybe you are right tbh.
Sense 5 is really good I get no lag what so ever on the DNA running it and this is still work in progress as its a port from the One but its as smooth as butter, the chap that ported it has also figured out how to get zoe working so will have that soon on this too.