***The Official HTC One Thread***

I personally think wireless charging is pretty pointless:

1. supposedly it takes forever to charge
2. you still have to place it on a wired pad, I want to see true wireless charging! :p (there was an article on this a few years ago and supposedly HTC were to be the first to use it)
3. it's not like it is such a hassle to plug in a USB lead :p
4. the wireless charging orbs always take forever to actually come out, at least 5-6 months, nexus 4 orb only came out like a month or two ago, lumia 920 pad only came out like 3-4 months ago and the GS 3 not much longer than it, no idea about the note II
5. expensive for what it is

The wireless charger on the 920 was great, didn't take any longer to charge up and it was nice just dropping it on a pad rather than messing about plugging in the cable, specially at night although I not got one on the DNA yet not bothered so maybe you are right tbh.

Sense 5 is really good I get no lag what so ever on the DNA running it and this is still work in progress as its a port from the One but its as smooth as butter, the chap that ported it has also figured out how to get zoe working so will have that soon on this too.
The main thing that attracts me to wireless charging is the amount of times I've caught my foot in a charger wire and sent a phone propelling across the room like a trebuchet.:o
Dunno where the "takes forever" comes from but I have a cheap Maxwell wireless pad for my Nexus 4 and I find it much faster charging then the lead...

Wireless charging isn't really a selling point, its more a minor convenience I could certainly live without it. However it does save the port some wear and tear and I do prefer it to wired charging. The pads are overpriced though for what they are.
From reading other user opinions on the likes of XDA and plus it is well regarded that charging using wireless pad is slower than wired (when connected to the mains, connected to your USB port on the PC etc. is a lot slower):


Many articles out on google saying the same thing, iirc that was one of the reasons why apple didn't include it in the iphone 5?


that is one thing that I really like about sense V5, the way HTC have lost the bottom tabs and changed to the stock android way of switching to a different window/tab i.e.

Shame they haven't updated the notification bar/icons though :(
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Had mine since Friday, and overall I'm quite pleased with it - so I'll be keeping it I think. Battery life has been much better than my Galaxy Nexus so far, and it definitely feels snappier. The camera is a marked improvement, but then the GN camera is pretty poor.

Main down sides for me at the moment:
Ergonomics - feels a little big in the hand, and power button is awkward for me.
S-ON - Something specific to HTC, in that the bootloader is never fully unlocked. Not a major concern really.
Gallery App - Has no options to disable facebook/twitter integration.
Blinkfeed - Looks ok and works well if thats what you want. But I'd also like a way to disable it completely.
No Camera from lockscreen - The only way you can enter the camera from the lockscreen is if you already have a shortcut to the camera in the launcher bar.
Are the edges of the glass curved if so wait for a Spigen curved crystal sp, I got some for my son's S3 but didn't apply because we used liquid armor instead, got it on my other lads Note and my N4 too, which I think is ace though I know many here about don't trust chemical surface hardening and think liquid armor is a con.

I'm not entirely sure as I wont receive the phone until Friday at the earliest according to Mobile Phones Direct. But going by the pictures it looks like a flat surface. I've looked around some more and I've decided to take the plunge on some Terrapin screen protectors. I'll let people know how they are once I place them on the phone.

Now to decide upon a case.. Mobile Fun have some nice ones but they're only for preorder. Ideally I'd like to have a case before I receive the phone
I had a quick 5 minute shot at a very locked down phone in a phones4u earlier, and I really liked it. They supposidly only got 4 in for their pre-order too!? But they had their One really locked down, with very little on it bar whats on out of the box. They didn't even bother setting up any wifi either. Couldn't use either camera for the damn metal case it was locked into.

But I found the screen v.very nice - and I really like sense. Can't wait to move from the iP4 to the One. Blinkfeed being disable-able would be good I guess, but tbh - it hink it will be useful once people start to support it. And it was rather fast at everything too, with the double-tap of home for multitasking working very nicely.

I also had a little chuckle at the salesmen - who seemed to only push Samsung and Apple products - with his "Don't bother with Windows phones, they're far too complicated."

But Black without a Case for me! :D
blinkfeed........pfffft! Just untick all the sources and install nova, job done! :D :p

I do think it is pretty useful/handy though after seeing more videos on it especially the way you can pair it with the TV control/guide but I like minimal homescreens and my gestures plus stock app drawer so pffffft to sense launcher/blinkfeed :p
From reading other user opinions on the likes of XDA and plus it is well regarded that charging using wireless pad is slower than wired (when connected to the mains, connected to your USB port on the PC etc. is a lot slower):

Thats nice, however I'm telling you from first hand experience that my supplied charger with the N4 charges slower when connected to the mains then my Maxwell wireless charger.

Even if it was similar it's still a million miles from taking "forever". Perhaps the Maxwell charger is supplying more power then the mains charger by default or something. However in my first hand experience the wireless charging is very far from slow.
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I also had a little chuckle at the salesmen - who seemed to only push Samsung and Apple products - with his "Don't bother with Windows phones, they're far too complicated."

You're kidding? A Windows Phone is the only thing I can get my Mum to work.

blinkfeed........pfffft! Just untick all the sources and install nova, job done! :D :p

I actually really like the Sense launcher, blinkfeed should be a resizeable widget IMO - more useful that way.
Well either:

- you must have a faulty cable or something is wrong with the USB port on your n4 etc.


- maxwell is much better than the official one i.e. supplying more power

Plus with qualcomm chipset you have quick charge, which means phones with their chipsets (that support it) charge quicker than other phones that don't have similar tech so your nexus 4 should be charging from 0/10% to 100% pretty quickly, not sure how this would work with wireless charging though.....

Are you running a custom ROM/kernel? As that can change things to do with how quickly/slowly a phone can charge, there was a kernel that sped up charging for my spica.
I don't think there's anything wrong with my Nexus 4 or anything, I have read a few times on XDA that the N4 supplied charger is for whatever reason a little slower then usual chargers, people have seen charging speed increases using alternatives.

However I think even if I used another charger the charge times would be very very similar. It's obvious that some energy is lost in transferring it wireless however I don't think it's anywhere close to how much your making out.

I think the phone is fast charging as it only takes like ~30mins to charge to full from 30% or so.
I've had the phone for a few days now and I love it. Build quality is unsurprisingly excellent, as is Blinkfeed which was a surprise and I've had plenty of fun with the TV remote, convincing people their Sky box has gone mad. I know the camera's the big point of discussion but other than it appears better than the camera on my Nexus 4, I can't really comment.
I've had the phone for a few days now and I love it. Build quality is unsurprisingly excellent, as is Blinkfeed which was a surprise and I've had plenty of fun with the TV remote, convincing people their Sky box has gone mad. I know the camera's the big point of discussion but other than it appears better than the camera on my Nexus 4, I can't really comment.

It really is a lovely bit of kit.
Just out of curiosity - what do you need the extra space for?

It's not "just" the extra space (im not going to explain what I use it for on a high-end multimedia phone, use your imagination), it's having a removeable media format that is separate to the main internal memory. Meaning that I can transfer photos, music and files very quickly between my phone and PC without needing a cable, which is also much slower. Also meaning that when I change phones or ROMs and need to wipe and restore the data, my SD card is untouched and still has all of my data on it for restoring. For my own personal uses it's simply a must-have feature.
blinkfeed........pfffft! Just untick all the sources and install nova, job done! :D :p

I do think it is pretty useful/handy though after seeing more videos on it especially the way you can pair it with the TV control/guide but I like minimal homescreens and my gestures plus stock app drawer so pffffft to sense launcher/blinkfeed :p

Doesn't using a different launcher mean you loose some of the sense functionality & kinda defeat the whole point of having a HTC?
Depends on what your motivation for getting the phone is. For me I know it's definitely not Sense and has much more to do with the amazing industrial design.

EDIT: Not to say that sense is crap, I'm sure it's not, but I'd still rather have vanilla Android.
It's not "just" the extra space (im not going to explain what I use it for on a high-end multimedia phone, use your imagination), it's having a removeable media format that is separate to the main internal memory. Meaning that I can transfer photos, music and files very quickly between my phone and PC without needing a cable, which is also much slower. Also meaning that when I change phones or ROMs and need to wipe and restore the data, my SD card is untouched and still has all of my data on it for restoring. For my own personal uses it's simply a must-have feature.

I wasn't being funny by the way, I was just curious - peoples usage varies :)

For me all my music is in the cloud on Google Music servers, I don't really watch videos and my photos are backed up online by Dropbox - so I don't really need the extra :)
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