Poll: The official I voted/election results thread

Who did you vote for?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 4 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 518 39.5%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 65 5.0%
  • Labour

    Votes: 241 18.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 99 7.5%
  • Didn't vote / spoiled ballot

    Votes: 136 10.4%
  • Other party

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 67 5.1%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 4 0.3%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 158 12.0%

  • Total voters
Douche at work been going on for weeks about how uKIP will change the country, make it better, "real difference" and UKIP associated BS.

Today was ever sweet, especially when I was streaming Farage's resignation live on my phone with volume up lol, loads of people cheered the guy had so much egg on his face it was great

Well I don't know about make a difference but it certainly changed the country. Without ukip I doubt the Tories would be offering a referendum nor would both they and labour be talking about controlling immigration.

Not saying it's a good thing but farage resigning hasn't killed it.
Adsta said:
Should have made her Labour leader, I'm sure she would have drawn a lot of exxxtra votes in :p
Haha. She was brought up (debatable) on the worse area/estates in Grimsby, started off working in a Tescos then as receptionist at the Labour Party's headquarters near Parliament, worked her way up while doing Politics, Philosophy and International Studies at University.

Austin Mitchell was a yorky, no offense to people from Yorkshire, but I would rather have someone who really knows the Town, brought up here as an MP.

could have been worse though - UKIP's Victoria Ayling, ex-Conservative millionaire born with a silver spoon in her mouth, married to a New Zealand millionaire who bought the title of a Lord, living in some mansion no where near Grimsby, she's nuts as well.

4:10 seconds onwards lol. :D

That is shocking, I'd much prefer it if 1% of the population were paying 4.2% of the total income tax wouldn't you?

I'm not saying they are paying too much. I am saying that they are paying a large amount of the total tax take in this country already. Asking for more could move them away. They are, afterall, the most mobile in the country, and most could probably simply move away.

Why would it hurt you if you paid a million in tax, that still means you will have millions in net income.

Yes, you would. But that wouldn't mean you can't still feel the pain of all them deductions. It doesn't really matter what level of income your on, you always feel that pain. When I worked minimum wage, and paid about £25 a week in income tax, that stung then, just like my current bill stings now.

The well off pay more tax because they have more of the income, yes it's wrong that a tiny percentage pay a large portion of the tax - because it's also wrong that a tiny percentage have such a large portion of the total income.

You can't look at one & ignore the other, if I managed to create a system in which I hoarded 90% of the total income in the UK, I'd pay a vast majority of the total tax in the UK. Would that be unfair?, or a result of an unbalanced income distribution?.

As I said above, I don't disagree with the amount that the rich, or actually anyone pays in taxes. It is the system we have. Of course they should pay their share. But you don't want to do a France, for example, and make the top rate 75%. You might get drunken actors defecting to Putin.

45% is the right amount to be fair. By the time you add on NI, you're up above 50% (even on a 40% banding), meaning you take home less than half your top line. And that's a bitter pill.

I worked in Holland for a couple years, paying around 54% and that did really hurt. especially as it was going to the government of a country I didn't live in. I currently work in Norway, and they pay stupid taxes too (I am on a UK contract so thankfully pay my taxes to the UK government), somewhere around the same level as Norway. But what both these countries have in common, is a decent standard of living. A decent state. So you don't mind paying (as long as you live there of course).

Of course, these countries also have their problems.
Forget Labour, this symbolises the next 5 years.
I'll get me popcorn...

Ah, and people wonder why there aren't many women on this forum :D.

Did you read what some were saying about the 20 year old SNP candidate that won? All because people from Paisley do have broad accents that they don't seem to know.

It's an IT forum. Nobody is wondering why there aren't many women ;)

What happened to the young hardware Youtube reviewer?
Haha. She was brought up (debatable) on the worse area/estates in Grimsby, started off working in a Tescos then as receptionist at the Labour Party's headquarters near Parliament, worked her way up while doing Politics, Philosophy and International Studies at University.

Austin Mitchell was a yorky, no offense to people from Yorkshire, but I would rather have someone who really knows the Town, brought up here as an MP.

could have been worse though - UKIP's Victoria Ayling, ex-Conservative millionaire born with a silver spoon in her mouth, married to a New Zealand millionaire who bought the title of a Lord, living in some mansion no where near Grimsby, she's nuts as well.

4:10 seconds onwards lol. :D

Cmon lets show our true grimsby spirit with an idiot ukip candidate. I was hoping she was going to carry on arguing also
It's not magically going to come into force. They're publishing everything as they go along, then the final agreement will be published, at which point the Parliament and governments have to agree to implement it. All outlined in the brochure I linked to earlier.


Currently your argument is essentially, 'hello, do you like my stylish tin foil hat? I think it's rather fetching, personally. BTW, THEY MIGHT DO BAD THINGS BUT THERE IS ZERO EVIDENCE!!11twelve!! BELIEVE MY MENTAL RAMBLINGS, KTHXBAI'.

It's not about me burying my head in the sand... it's about there being ZERO EVIDENCE for what you're saying, even though the negotiation process is transparent and this can't secretly be implemented.

If you had read some of the site you will have noticed that Govts can do what they like. Wide open for any secret negotiations. Shame to let facts get in the way of your rant. The negotiation process was not transparent up till recently as someone else pointed out, which you ignored. You are still saying there is no evidence/proof of doing something in the FUTURE.
As for the Lib Dems... they've been crushed here like everywhere else, and we used to have massive LD support here. But they fought a pretty negative campaign down here; their leaflets were simply warnings about voting Conservative. Not exactly inspiring.

This was one of the main reasons I voted Tory. The Tory leaflet I got through my door was beautifully presented, didn't make a mention of any other parties, said a load of stuff that i agreed with and there were many policies he proposed that sounded very good.

I had no Lib Dem leaflet and the Labour leaflet I got was a badly written (there were grammatical errors in a few places), negative, scaremongering piece of rubbish about how a conservative government will open the gates of hell.
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Erm, sorry if this has been asked already (not reading thousands of posts and did try searching) but why are the BBC reporting 331 seats for the Tories but Sky are reporting 330? Sky seem to have one more under 'Others'.
Tories and their voters lie - simple as

Probably in part because people like you demonise them. Since Margaret Thatcher voting conservative is seen as as some kind of satanic act by the more vocal labour supporters. That feeling means many people that vote conservative don't want to say they support them in fear of retribution (generally being talked at for ages, being called a liar or other words in a similar vein).

Ps, no I didn't vote conservative but the actions of many on the left leave a lot to be desired.


The same as I've had to correct the hilariously misguided view that increasing them minimum wage by a percentage increases the cost of goods by an equal one (because wage costs are 100% of the cost of running a business & 100% of the staff are on minimum wage obviously....) about 500 times on here.

Who is bashing somebody merely because of the school they went to?.

It was mentioned by a previous poster along with a series of other characteristics.

The reality is both have no knowledge of the real world, being in politics their entire lives. That is the real problem.
MY partner and I both voted Labour, I was tempted with lib dems (I did like some of there policies) but for me it would have been a wasted vote, as my area is always Labour anyway, (Telford) until yesterday that is, as it swung to Tories.

At first we were both like grr a damn 'tory government. But once i've sat down and thought about it, im just like, ok ill give them the benefit of the doubt, my family are against 'tories (from the 80's, thatcher etc) but i've only really ever been brought up in a labour government. So I cant really have any pre-judgement for 'tories in general.

Im apprehensive of some of their policies for sure, but ill judge them on the next 5 years.
Erm, sorry if this has been asked already (not reading thousands of posts and did try searching) but why are the BBC reporting 331 seats for the Tories but Sky are reporting 330? Sky seem to have one more under 'Others'.

Hmm, are the BBC reporting the speaker John Bercow as a Conservative win perhaps, whereas Sky aren't?

If so then they both have it wrong. The Beeb are reprting 331 seats with a majority of 12 whereas Sky are reporting 330 seats and a majority of 10. Thing is Sky look like they've lumped Bercow in with the 'Others' so the total still comes to 650 but Bercow can't vote at all so in reality there are only 649 votes available, so 330 Tories (minus Bercow) is a majority of 11 surely?
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