Looking at the policies, I went with the two that outright state they will fight the TTIP, not sure how other parties can "protect NHS/public services" and then allow the TTIP to come into place which opens it up to private money! I gather there will be rules put in place to protect NHS but nothing is in writing and no one has been talking about it on the run up to the election.
It was down to UKip and Greens in my area, UKip candidate in my area is a racist and was even outside the polling station shouting some unsavoury things so my only choice was Greens.
Labour do bugger all round ours, last time Conservatives were in they bought a £100m crane that is still sat in a yard on the floor unused years down the line!
If polls are right and other parties will not form coalitions, I think we will be back at the polls again later in the year, at which point I think people will vote exactly the same as they did today or the attendance will decrease as people cba to constantly keep voting over and over.