*** The official iOS 6 thread ***

Keep checking, servers getting hammered, took me several tries, but now showing as 3 mins left :)

EDIT - via iTunes

EDIT2 - done :)
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Hope this update improves the Reminders app and location-geofencing... I'm trying the Reminders app instead of my normal todo app at the moment, and I set a reminder for when I arrived home - it showed up on my phone about 5 miles from home :p And I was using TomTom at the time :p

Going to suck losing my jailbreak tweaks though :( I updated my iPad to 6.0 recently and I definitely miss "SwipeSelection" the most! Made typing soooo much easier!
Don't like the new App Store in 6.0 :( It's slower and the search is rubbish! I typed "1pass" and got nothing - had to type "1password" before it understood :/
downloaded here using the phone over the house Wifi really quick. Only got the 3Gs. I was hoping it would return my phone to quicker actions as that last update killed it...we will see.
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