***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Iphone contacts

I now have my shiny new nexus 4:)

Can anyone help in a quick how to guide for copying the contacts from the iphone to the nexus? I'm only interested in phone numbers.

Wish I read here first that I couldn't return to cpw, Just took my nexus 4 back to them for a refund because I miss the big screen of the note 2, wouldn't allow a refund, gutted!!! time to bay it..
I now have my shiny new nexus 4:)

Can anyone help in a quick how to guide for copying the contacts from the iphone to the nexus? I'm only interested in phone numbers.


Are you using icloud? if so just select all contacts, export then import them to gmail (with a computer) worked for me and took about 45 seconds.
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