***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

My main issue with Paranoid Android is that every time I have tried it, it has always stopped working. I want to use it but from the numerous times I have tried, there doesn't seem to be a massively stable release. Maybe things will be different now though.

Does anyone else have a little adhesive stuck between the bezel of their Nexus 4? Mine does, and while not a massive concern, it is just a little irritating. Not going to swap it out as this is the third one now.
My life is now complete




PA? not heard of it, gonna have a look at the link

and you've had the GNex since launch - tut-tut :p

PA on my GNex (Phablet mode):


My main issue with Paranoid Android is that every time I have tried it, it has always stopped working. I want to use it but from the numerous times I have tried, there doesn't seem to be a massively stable release. Maybe things will be different now though.

Does anyone else have a little adhesive stuck between the bezel of their Nexus 4? Mine does, and while not a massive concern, it is just a little irritating. Not going to swap it out as this is the third one now.

I can't say I have ever had that issue with PA. It was always ok on my S2. In my opinon it is the best & most complete custom ROM bar Cyanogenmod.

Don't have the adhesive either.
I popped into CPW Cardiff yesterday and to my surprise they had it in stock. So I part exed my Samsung S3 there and then for it. I got £250 for the S3 and had to pay an extra £139 as the Nexus 16GB was selling for £389.

I think it was worth it though. I much prefer it. Build quality is much better and it feels a lot more comfortable in the hand - I was always afraid I was going to drop the S3 because it didnt give much of a grip.
The screen takes a bit of getting used to as the colours in the S3 were over saturated and had way more contrast.

But I'm loving it so far :)
Anyone had any weird battery issues?

Was on 14% last night then did the usual plug the charger in alert but then literally few seconds later powered down as it it had gone to 0% in 3 seconds. Cant be too sure this is a one off but I recall seeing the 14% warning before then finding it off a bit later and thinking eh? shouldn't be off already.

Just wondered if anyone else had this? ta
With tape.


Line up the protector how you want it, and tape it down on one long edge, now lift it away like a book page, peel off the bottom layer and stick it back down, that way you've already got it lined up perfectly.
anyone else get a slight rattling from the top of the phone when you shake it a little? also, read the call quality is meant to be awesome but i get a little distortion. Could this be linked do you think?

anyone else get a slight rattling from the top of the phone when you shake it a little? also, read the call quality is meant to be awesome but i get a little distortion. Could this be linked do you think?


I get the slight rattle too but I had a similar noise from my iPhone 4s. I dont think its anything to get worried about.

I realised the call quality was better than my S3 straightaway. Its a bit quieter though.
As someone who's used to iOS, can someone tell me which app is best for downloading @me.com mail? I also have a gmail account and I intend to slowly merge everything across.

Also, some weirdo keeps sending me chat messages on Google talk. What on earth is it?
Anywhere to get the official bumper from other than the Play store? They are showing in stock there but I don't want to ***** £20+ on it including stupid P+P charges (It's costs £2.70 at most to send something that size 1st Class with RM, and what £1 tops for packaging?), and then find out it's going to take them 4 weeks or something equally frustrating to deliver.

They really have messed this whole thing up.
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