***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

What have you done about it?

God bored cancelling them, need to speak to my business banking this morning and ask them "how it could happen without them calling me"!

I've got a load more to cancel.

Knew I should have got the secretary to do this **** but I was under the impression you had to be quick.

Clearly not this time around. Merry Christmas!
God bored cancelling them, need to speak to my business banking this morning and ask them "how it could happen without them calling me"!

Ok so I thought it prudent I call them sooner rather than later. The fraud team are in India and they didn't/couldn't understand my concern about the situation and how I wasn't contacted...

Is it normal for a the fraud team to be in another country, bare in mind this is business banking?

edit: oh ffs I can't cancel all the orders on Google Play either, another 'technical error'. They'd better have a phone support line!
Been trying to order a 16gb since last night and just cannot get it to work. If i click proceed in the shopping cart it just sits loading, and if i do get through it asks for my address and card details. These are in my google wallet but when i click on address it asks for a new one, if i enter an address and click ok it just asks me to enter a new address again, same with card details. Can't do anything with it, so frustrating.

Be VERY careful, call your bank to make sure there hasn't been an authorization!

I did that over 50 times last night, yes I'm that impatient and determined, they authed 37 of those transactions.

I was told on screen each time there was a fault. It's a ruse!!
Id be changing business banking if I were you Bleek, the system not alerting them to the same transactional amount and to the same company many multiplies of times has dodgy/strange all over it. No doubt the department you spoke to just deals when calls from/to customers when automatic fraud triggers are put on your account but the people that actually investigate fraud itself...

Theres people out there that probably are thinking, damn thats how I could have ordered more than one :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
Be VERY careful, call your bank to make sure there hasn't been an authorization!

I did that over 50 times last night, yes I'm that impatient and determined, they authed 37 of those transactions.

I was told on screen each time there was a fault. It's a ruse!!

Thankfully nothing has come out, seems to got as far as the address part as there were about 20 of the same address in my google wallet lol. But strangely there were no card details saved, so i entered my card tried again and woohoo one 16gb Nexus 4 ordered. Confirmation email says 5-6 weeks shipping, which is fine as crimbo presents are hammering my account atm lol, a nice crimbo pressie to myself though ;)
Proc you cancelled all the others sitting in you wallet as they may go through automaticallly now theres payment details set up?

ps3ud0 :cool:
I was in the middle of London when I got the email about them coming back into stock, no chance of being near a computer at 17:00. Luckily a good friend bought one for me, order went through at 17:06 and shipping is showing as 3-5 business days.

Has anyone got the 'bumper' case things? Are they worth bothering with?
It will be bigger than the GS 2 screen, however, it is quite a bit smaller than the GS 3 screen due to the on screen buttons:



GS 3 on right and nexus 4 on the left.

Urgh thats horrendous, why do people insist on having on screen buttons when there is so much room for touch buttons below the screen. I browse/watch youtube a lot on my phone so this is a little offputting to say the least.

Do the buttons disappear when u are browsing? As in, is there an option to hide them or autohide when not touching bottom of screen etc?
Oh also, on a lot of the pictures of this phone the back kind of looks like it has a rim around it, almost like a gap around the edge that isnt stuck down properly or something i should really find a pic to show what i am on about. Can anyone with the phone confirm that the back looks flush and there isnt some tacky gap between the glass and trim? :|
Oh also, on a lot of the pictures of this phone the back kind of looks like it has a rim around it, almost like a gap around the edge that isnt stuck down properly or something i should really find a pic to show what i am on about. Can anyone with the phone confirm that the back looks flush and there isnt some tacky gap between the glass and trim? :|
It's flush, no gap.
Yeah but does that cover the ones from cpw?????
All of them, no matter where they are sold.
ive just tried to buy a 16gb on the play store but my normal visa debit card (which never has any problems ordering with online) came up with declined?

anyone else had this issue? any suggestions?

Decided to cancel my order in the end. It was still pending up until now and I wasn't sure if I really wanted the phone.

Mine is still pending too, which is ****ing me off a bit seeing as mine went through at :06 which is quicker than some of these completed ones. I didnt have to enter card/address either so no delay there.
Mine is still pending too, which is ****ing me off a bit seeing as mine went through at :06 which is quicker than some of these completed ones. I didnt have to enter card/address either so no delay there.

Yep I'm the same, mine went through earlier than other people who have the 3-5 day delivery. I wonder if its how quickly they got it in their basket rather than the final checkout, though I was pretty quick at getting it in my basket.

Ah well, not worth stressing, just expect it in a couple of weeks which is still a lot sooner than I was expecting to be able to get one a few days ago.
Id be changing business banking if I were you Bleek, the system not alerting them to the same transactional amount and to the same company many multiplies of times has dodgy/strange all over it. No doubt the department you spoke to just deals when calls from/to customers when automatic fraud triggers are put on your account but the people that actually investigate fraud itself...

Theres people out there that probably are thinking, damn thats how I could have ordered more than one :p

ps3ud0 :cool:

It's a high street bank too. Not good.

I've raised a complaint with our account manager so we'll see what happens, with all this commotion I'm still not entirely sure if I've even bought a bloody phone!
Mine is still pending too, which is ****ing me off a bit seeing as mine went through at :06 which is quicker than some of these completed ones. I didnt have to enter card/address either so no delay there.

Yep, same for me still "Pending". Mine's a 17:08 order with credit card details already entered hours before and I also chose not to link the phone to my account.
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