***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***


I have just put my nexus back to stock, upgraded to 4.2.2, installed gapps, installed xylon's latest ROM but have no play store.

Does anyone know if I have missed something? I downloaded the play store to phone but when I try to open it, it just shuts down again :s

Using the qualcomm battery guru I have just hit 4 hours 56 mins screen on time

Currently have 13 percent battery left

Think that's pretty epic
No need to flash everything back to stock & do it again, just flash gapps & it'll work.

i tried that and kept getting some start up error which i cant remember what it was now. I even put it back to factory settings and tried to flash xylom and gapps again but same message so just used the nexus 4 toolkit to put back to 4.2.2.

for some reason i cant get titanium backup to work, i backup the files but unable to restore them. hate being a noob :cool:
Qualcomm Battery app is great. I only charged my phone (for a bit) all weekend and I still had about 30% left. Albeit I haven't used 3g all weekend which probably saved most of it.
Well the other half's screen seems borked. I've not seen it yet but she apparently dropped it and it took a dive off her bag face down, and the screen hit a lump of concrete protruding up, otherwise it sounds like it'd be OK.

Portions of the screen aren't responding at all so she can't turn off the phone. Just wondering what experiences are of repairs? And also if there's a force-off method rather than just a hard reset?
Can anyone tell me why do I have gaps on my battery graph?


I never seen this before. BetterBattery stats will revert to Since boot instead of the usual Since unplugged. My usage today was mostly web browsing on wifi. No calls or texts. Im running paranoid android 3.0 feb 9 2013 4.2.1 if it helps
That's happened to me. I'll check my battery stats to see if there's gaps like yours.

EDIT: Mine doesn't have gaps.

Is your battery performing fine? If so I wouldn't worry about it.

Battery seems fine. The usual steep drop when playing games or heavy browsing. Although there was one time when the battery was at 5% so I plugged it in and instead of the immediate 'Charging xx%' it said 'Charged'. Even removing the plug it said 100% charged lol. A quick reboot and everything is back to normal.

I don't think so, else your WiFi 'on' would have a gap as well.

Good point there, but how come the mobile network signal also have a gap on it?

Is it possible that it has something to do with paranoid? I havent encountered anything like this when i was running stock

EDIT: Ill just flash the latest paranoid and see if the gaps disappear
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Had an interesting issue, which maybe more wifi but...

A few weeks ago I had to change the wireless channel to stop conflicting with a new device in the area. For most of the equipment I had to redo the wireless but not the n4. However last few days I noticed I was limited to 2mb on my connection instead of 12. Forgetting and rejoining the wifi resolved the issue.

**hmm back to 2mb till I did a reconnect, n4 seems to be the only device effected, need to test more.
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