** The Official Mac OS X Leopard First Impressions and Review Thread **

Hmm, looks better but i'm still waiting for cleardock :(

I found a way to get it like clear dock, but can't get rid of the reflection:


Just go to System > Library > CoreServices > Dock (show package contents) > Contents > Resources.

Now delete the following files (make sure you back them up though just incase you change your mind):


Then relaunch the dock (Terminal > killall Dock)

I got this by taking all the colour out of the scurve files:


And this is with the files deleted:

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Oooh I like, should be a sticky with an idiots guide so I can try it later :)

I wrote an idiots guide for it in the Desktop Pictures thread a few days ago..

Here go:

To change the colour of the dock in Leopard.

Go to System > Library > CoreServices > Ctrl + Click Dock > Show package contents > Contents > Resources.

In there find 4 .png files named scurve-l.png, scurve-m.png, scurve-sm.png and scurve-xl.png.

Make a backup of them incase you make a mistake and want the old dock colours back.

Open the images and change the hue/saturation/colour/brightness or what ever you want in Photoshop (or any other image editing software). Make sure you apply the same effect to each image or it wont work properly.

Drag the new 4 .png's back into the Resources folder (you may have to drag them individually as it requires you to type your password each time).

Finally restart, or simply go to Terminal and type "killall Dock" (without the quotes) And that's it.

I do.. I've never used it though :(

I've updated the main sticky with your little guide Justin!
Its a shame we have to tinker with the most basic of user interface elements to improve usability. I hope Apple give us more customization options in future updates because I dont want to rely on third party hacks.

Seems a lot of the UI is a step backwards from Tiger. Most of the reviews I've read point to the interface as the main thing that lets the OS down.

Fortunately there seems to be much praise for the actual innards of Leopard (except the firewall) so I'll be upgrading. Just not as soon as I thought.
I'm actually fine with the new Dock (vertically) - hate the horizontal one, need space on my MacBook. In fact, I like the new Dock on the side :)
Wow is all I can say so far. :cool:

I just need to copy my music and apps over from the backup now though, then I can play. :o
Just installed leopard on my 2.0 CD MBP, have to say its running about the same speed as it was before and it is still indexing for spotlight! coverflow for finder is awesome and the grid spacing in finder is a godsend, allowing non comical amount of space between icons!

I'm just installing it for a mess about right now, when my 250Gb drive comes it will be the real deal...

Under the Devices menu on the left of your finder window you should see a arrow with Shared next to it. If this is not expanded then click on it to expand it. You should see your Windows machines here.

If not press Apple-K in Finder and connect that way...

See this screenshot:


I love the way Apple have made windows devices show up as beige, yellowing CRTs with BSODs :p
Picked up a few bugs with my clean install :( when coming out of sleep, it fails to connect to my wireless network (hidden SSID & very long WPA2 password) I have to turn airport off then on again for it to connect.

Also ripping cds, I insert the disc and nothing, i eject and insert again and only then does the cd get detected and I can begin ripping.

I'm tempted to rip all my music on XP using EAC and transfer them all over to the mac that way.
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